Monday, May 31, 2021

“Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”John 7:37b-38

Jesus has returned to Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacles, it is six months before His death.  The previous time He was in Jerusalem He healed a man on the sabbath, upsetting the Pharisees that perceived this to be a grievous insult to Jewish law. The Jewish authority had already begun plans to kill Jesus.  

The feast, or holiday, was a seven day event celebrating the end of harvest. It comes in September/October on our modern day calendars. In this scripture the Pharisees had just led the ritual of water drawing from the pool of Siloam. In the ceremony, water is offered to God as a sacrifice. So when Jesus says that He is Living Water, He is drawing attention to a personal, active God, not a god impressed with empty gestures.  

A final note: Some living things need oxygen while others breath carbon dioxide. God designed our planet beautifully for this exchange of breath, but regardless of our breathing needs, we are common in our dependance on water! The Bible speaks often of Jesus being the Living Water. He is a reviving, transforming spring and you cannot LIVE without Him. 

Have a Great Monday!


Saturday, May 29, 2021

Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail, they are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness. Lamentations 3:22-23

The beautiful, unassailable Jerusalem, has fallen to King Nebuchadnezzar’s army after many years of siege. God has allowed His covenant nation to be exiled to Egypt and Babylon.  Jeremiah wrote the appendage to the book of his name, sending copies of it with the captives to learn and put in their heart. It was written in an acrostic, making memorization easier.  

In chapter three, Jeremiah laments that by choice, God no longer hears His people who have broken faith. The God of Love, has become the God of wrath and judgement. Their sufferings were horrific. The Jewish people had become entitled and believed they were above God’s commands simply by relationship to Abraham. They were wrong and the cost of their sin was far greater than they ever imagined or wanted to pay.   

By faith we know that God is sovereign, but a greater faith gives us peace that God is Good. Although it is hard to see and even more difficult to voice, God is the God of redemption and restoration. Jerusalem did become a great city once again, but it was there that the Jewish authority had Jesus crucified. In this tragedy, it is once again revealed that God’s Grace and Mercy are available and sufficient. We will never be consumed by this world because God is near, He is faithful and His compassions never fail.

Have a Lovely Day,


Friday, May 28, 2021

But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them ever sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you. Psalm 5:11

David’s most magnificent Psalms were born in his times of trouble.  He had many enemies. As a young boy he fought a giant when King Saul’s soldiers were too intimidated to defend themselves. Success and fame brought about the wrath of a jealous king who drove David away from his home, family and friends, and into hiding for many years.  

David eventually became the king he had been anointed to be when he was young. This brought a new version of adversity. He also made some pretty poor personal and moral choices in his adult years resulting in tragedy and sorrow, but in the midst of all of this, he recognized a God that loathes evil and rewards good. David chose to give single minded devotion to this God of Holiness and love.

Because God does not tolerate wickedness, His presence is a place of security. In Him is found peace and rest, for David and for you!

Happy Weekend,


Thursday, May 27, 2021

So God said to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant I have established between me and all life on the earth.” Genesis 9:17

In the beginning God made order out of chaos. He created the boundaries of nature and all its inhabitants. Then sin disrupted God’s perfect creation and God let loose the destructive forces of earth. His purpose was not to annihilate mankind, but to bring about a new beginning.

Noah, the sole Godly human of his time, who lived in fellowship with God, will not perish in this universal judgement. Because he does exactly what God tells him, (Noah had never seen rain, heard thunder or had any personal reference to flooding) he is provided refuge and safety from the storm. The story of the flood is not about God’s power to destroy, but His power to save those who are obedient and faithful.

Earth’s population will never again be inundated with water, but when the wind settles, the air is crisp and clean and it’s safe to splash in puddles, find that rainbow and remember, God can make all things new.



Wednesday, May 26, 2021

He is the Rock, His works are perfect, and all His ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, right and just is He. Deuteronomy  32:4

The book of Deuteronomy contains the code for a divinely sanctioned theocracy.  Code is a system for communication and a means of perfect connection between God and man.  This code (sometimes referred to as law) sets a high value on human life, points to God and His love and man’s love toward one another. God’s design is for man to follow Him alone, but because of sin, man has become slave to man.  

Chapter 32 is a song composed by Moses, as a means to perpetuate God’s sovereignty on the hearts of His people for all generations and to all nations. God knows that His covenant people, will become rebellious. The song reminds them of God’s Holiness and perfect love, but the verses and song continue to tell the consequences of treachery toward their creator. However, God is forever in the forgiving, redeeming and restoring business.   

The One who created us knows we are not perfect. He is aware of our weaknesses, but they are never to be our excuses because His Holiness is sufficient to sustain us and make us what we were designed to be.



Tuesday, May 25, 2021

He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name. Great is our Lord and mighty in power; His understanding has no limit. Psalm 147:4-5

When life is too hard to handle, I go to the Psalms. They are my comfort soul food.

Comfort No. 1: Looking through primitive telescopes decades ago, scientists thought they saw new, never before seen stars. Today, star gazers, with new and improved tools, recognize that they were not seeing single stars but galaxies with billions upon billions of stars. Who knew?  God did. He made them perfectly and purposely. 

Comfort No. 2:  While man is still making new breakthroughs in everything from the workings of the human brain to finding new elements and ways to recycle old ones, God is already there.  He is not a teasing, taunting God that withholds insight, but allows us the marvel of discovery and in seeking, we find greater wonder in God. His knowledge has no limit. 

Comfort No. 3:  God is not human. God is God, man is man and there is no comparison. God and man cannot be brought together except through confession, complete humility and total, exhaustive faith. God will not speak, think or act like mortal man. Man constantly fights their egocentric instinct, God ALWAYS acts in your best, loving interest.

Comfort No. 4: You can never consume too many spiritual calories, so indulge!



Monday, May 24, 2021

He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. Colossians 1:17

Paul was imprisoned in Rome when he wrote the church in Colossae, a city near the border of Asia and about 100 miles from Corinth. This church was dealing with a supposed ‘higher thinking,’ and enlightened philosophy that called for the worship of angels as heavenly mediates and strict adherence to select jewish laws, blended together with superior arrogance. 

There is a glue that holds the universe perfectly together, gravity and magnetic energy.  As opposing or complimentary forces, they hold the electrons of an atom a perfect distance away from its nucleus, allowing them to connect in perfect harmony with each other, to create the elements that sustain life. Earth’s path is a specific distance from the sun and tilts a certain degree as it rotates on an axis and orbits with the other planets in our solar system. In all this magnificence, there is only one thing that matters, God. He always was and always will be. He is bound by neither time or space. 

Only God is infinite. When there was nothing, there was God. Then there was everything, but most importantly, He sent His Son so that a fallen, broken man can live in harmony on earth and eternally in His Peace and Majesty. Now we can be infinite too.



Saturday, May 22, 2021

And these are but the outer fringe of His works; how faint the whisper we hear of Him! Who then can understand the thunder of His power? Job 26:14

Left with only the ability to breath and some free oxygen, nothing more, no man has seen more personal devastation than Job saw. In the midst of his anguish, his friends sift through and analyze all of his motivations and deeds, trying desperately to find a reason, a place to affix blame, for his horrific calamities. Job defends his innocence and in this passage, speaks boldly of God’s creative power and sovereign authority. 

From the tiniest spiral seashell to the far away galaxies of the universe, patterned the same, God leaves His personal signature on our world. This knowledge was singularly enough for Job to rest his entire wellbeing on. We place confidence in what we comprehend and feel we are entitled to, but great faith is built upon the simple acknowledgement of God’s sovereign power and nothing more.    

When faith is gone, there is no hope. When hope departs, life quickly follows. Job refused to release himself to this despair. If all he had was God, then that was enough. This must be our daily breath, to know and live accordingly. 

Have a Blessed Weekend,


Friday, May 21, 2021

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities, His eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. Romans 1:20

Paul, the author, planned to bring the Gospel of Christ to the gentiles in Rome. He was presently in Corinth, but headed to Jerusalem with an offering for the suffering Jews who were being persecuted for their new found faith. Not sure that he would leave Jerusalem alive, he wrote this letter to the ‘capitol of the world’ explaining the nature of Jesus Christ and His Gospel. 

Rome was also the capitol of depravity. These people had many gods but did not submit to anything but their own immoral pleasure. On the flip side of this issue you find Jews so wrapped up in the ancient law and adhering to standards impossible to attain. In both of these extremes, the All Mighty Power and Wonder of God’s creative character, is lost in a man centered mentality.

God owes man nothing, certainly not a verification of His existence. Still, everything about creation speaks that we are His glory, the very thing He created for. God is daily revealing Himself, His character, in the mundane everyday rising of the sun and the setting there of. If nothing else, this is reason to believe and praise.



P.S. Give your ears a treat and listen to the song, How Great Thou Art.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

 And he took the calf the people had made and burned it in the fire; then he ground it to powder, scattered it on the water and made the Israelites drink it. Exodus 32:20

God is faithful. For His covenant nation, He set them free from their slave master, the pharaoh.  He provided manna from Heaven and gave them water to drink. When they found themselves trapped between pharaoh’s advancing army and a body of water, God led this young nation across an ocean on dry land, followed by the demise of the enemy that pursued them.  

The time came when God called Moses, the leader of these sojourners, to worship and to receive the laws that would keep them Holy. The people in the valley grew impatient, convincing themselves that Moses had deserted them, they demanded their interim leader make a god they could touch and see. He complied. While their loving God was commanding these people to have no other gods, they were creating one by their own will.

Moses returned from the mountain to find those he had such hope for, dancing around a calf made out of gold. He took this idol, melted it and ground it into dust. He then sprinkled it on water and made the people drink it.  Sooooooooo…….as do all things that inter one’s body, this idol eventually made its way through the various waste systems of the Hebrew children. Yes, their idol literally became poop! 

Love the LORD, your protector, provider and lover of your soul, with all your heart and put nothing before Him.  

