Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Your wealth has rotted and moths have eaten your clothes. James 5:2

I have been to the Smithsonian Institution in Washington D.C.  There I saw the famous Hope Diamond.  I was underwhelmed. Much ado has been made over its acquisition and possession. I expected something tremendous to occur when I gazed upon its magnificence?! Nothing, not even a tingle. There is sits, lit and posing for your camera, NOT in Heaven (or the other place) with the person that unearthed it, nor with any that were privileged enough to call it their own. Proof enough for me that you can’t take it with you and it won’t save you from the same end as every other human… death.

James, the brother of Jesus, speaks a great deal about social injustice, the exploitation of the poor and marginalized at the hands of the rich and entitled. However, James was not encouraging the church to strive for a utopian society, but rather, to guard itself against indulgences that take rather than give.  Wealth is a false sense of security. Don’t be caught in its grip.

The only means of salvation is Christ, but we are His Body, therefore, we represent Him to a lost and broken world. We must love all and serve others. There is a corporate Holiness expected of the Body of Christ, but it must begin with the determined ethical standard of the individual that knows Christ. Set your eyes on Him and He will show you His ways.



Tuesday, February 27, 2018

One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the LORD and to seek Him in His temple. Psalm 27:4 (The entire Psalm speaks peace and assurance!)

This song is written as a praise for the past, present and future.  David knew the mighty power of God. He presently reflects on God’s trustworthiness and in faith KNOWS to the future that God will be the same, all mighty and faithful.

A king must love his palace with all its servants and luxuries, but David longs to live only and anywhere in the presence of God.  There is no other privilege or pleasure that compares.

Prioritizing the Righteousness and Fellowship of God clarifies all of life’s trials and failures and lends some gusto when you are weary.  As a king, David fought plenty of enemies. His courage and success did not come from prowess as a warrior king but a humble heart that longed for communion with the true Sovereign LORD.

Have a Great Day,


Monday, February 26, 2018

Therefore do not be partners with them.  Ephesians 5:7

Where the west meets the east is a good description of Ephesus. A Greek city ruled by Rome with a diverse population. Race issues existed, prejudices followed and viewpoints complicated resolutions.  Paul brought a Gospel of unity and transformation.

As a redeemed people, Christians are obligated to live differently. To know that Jesus lives means to embrace His standard.  If He wouldn’t do it, then you shouldn’t either….for any reason……  If He wouldn’t think it, then put it out of your mind, it will destroy everything you ever dreamed of!

Behavior patterns of the past, the world of sin and darkness, must be discarded. Bitterness, spite, selfishness, must be replaced with truth, kindness and honesty.  Paul states very clearly the characteristics of those who will miss their inheritance to the Kingdom and then he simply says, “Separate yourself from their behavior! Don’t be like them, but be remolded by Christ.”



Sunday Stories, February 25, 2018

Flat Tires With Friends

I have known my husband since we were twelve years old.  I refuse to discuss how long that’s been, but sliced bread was available.  Some of my first memories are his dark, windblown hair, framing a silly grin and twinkling blue eyes when he showed up in my driveway on any given evening. His only means of travel was miles of dusty, dirt road on his old motorcycle, but when that helmet came off he was happy, content and relaxed. Still today, the wind in his face restores his inner peace.

Keith loves motorsports. The fellowship and camaraderie of friends with his shared passion are an added delight. When these riding enthusiasts load and unload their machines they bench race (tell fish tales), debate the newest products and innovations and share stories they’ve heard and read from other riders. Most importantly, they set aside the worries and trials of life and spend time together doing what they love.

One fall weekend, Keith and several friends made a trip to a national forest where miles of trail are set aside for riding. These guys have a very tightly ordered protocol for participation.  First and foremost, you take care of your stuff at home so no one’s fun is slowed by poorly working equipment.  No molly coddling!  If you quit or break down, you go to the truck and wait. The young guys ride to the front, and the old guys to the back.  Traditionally it’s their way of looking out for the rookies, but everyone knows the seasoned riders just want to laugh at the mishaps of the young, while avoiding an audience to their own blunders. Typically, Keith rides last of the last.

On this particular day, Keith became “That Guy!” A few miles into the woods he felt the rear tire wobbles, indicating a flat. Oh, the agony of being the problem. The reality of fixing a flat tire in the middle of no where was next to zero. As he turned to limp his cycle back to the staging lot  he began to feel very sorry for himself. The great outdoors that offered so much exhilaration, became sadly silent. It is a heavy quiet when you wonder how many miles separate you and the next nearest human. Keith reconciled himself to the hours alone, as he waited on his friends to return with stories of great adventure.


Keith’s absence was noticed. He isn’t a quitter, in fact, he is a strong rider. One concerned friend came looking.  Long before the motorcycle arrived Keith knew who it was because he knows the sound of his friends bikes like he knows their faces and voices. Then, another purr came racing back down the trail…..and another and another. In short order, boys and men were digging through their meager tools and fanny packs finding what they could to get Keith rolling again. They succeeded.

As everyone lined back up and headed out, Keith realized he is a priority to these friends, but he isn’t special, these men that turned around and came back are.  Their character, not Keith’s, determined the outcome.

The rules of the road are clear, every man for himself, except when the friend in need is the most important thing. This kindness and friendship left an everlasting mark on Keith’s heart and mind and strengthens him still when life weighs him down.

People are the most important thing on earth.  Jesus didn’t die for any other reason but for you and your neighbor……humans!  For God SOOOOOOOOO loves the world, that He GAVE His only Son for our eternal life! (John 3:16 Gretchen’s version.)

Keep Your Face to the Son!


PSA: Always turn off your Go Pro when taking a potty break in the woods, and thanks guys for looking out for my guy!

Saturday, February 24, 2018

For this reason I kneel before the Father, from whom every family in Heaven and on earth derives its name. Ephesians 3:14-15

The knowledge of God is almost exclusive to the Jewish people until He became Man. Through Christ, God’s plan has been revealed. We who believe are to become One Body, the Body of Christ, united by One Father, One Love.

Paul, the most Jewish of all Jews, was called to bring the message of inclusivity.  Every nation, every man is invited to salvation. The hostile elements of man become irrelevant when individuals who have accepted Christ as their risen Savior become part of the church universal. 

Paul’s prayer for his friends in Ephesus is that God’s perfect love, free from prejudice and personal agenda, be the standard for the Church Universal, who is the living Body of Christ.



Friday, February 23, 2018

“But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut.” Matthew 25:10 (For the entire parable read verses 1-13)

A wedding in Biblical times was a multi-day event.  Much preparation was committed to the occasion. The best of everything was readied by the bride’s family in preparation for this enormous, momentous change of address and status the cherished daughter was about to experience. Greeted by a processional into the home of his intended, the bridegroom was the last to arrive. Upon his anticipated arrival, the gates were shut and the wedding banquet began.  Late was not an option, no exceptions.

I’ve always felt sorry for the five foolish virgins. Who hasn’t procrastinated, messed around too long, or misspent allotted funds?  Why didn’t the ten wise virgins share? How hard could that have been?  This is why: Jesus didn’t tell the story to teach good manners and sisterly consideration. He was about to be crucified, His disciples faith would be shaken to its foundation. They must understand that spiritual readiness is serious business. Righteousness is not something that can be shared in an emergency to cover those who have none. Keep your faith, wait, tell others to prepare, but don’t give up!

Connections to others do NOT access Heaven.  Good intentions will just be tragic regrets when the gates of Heaven close forever, and someday they will. Your momma may want you in Glory very badly, but it’s up to you, not her! An invitation is waiting, stamped with Mercy and Grace, so don’t be late!!!!



Thursday, February 22, 2018

Then some boats from Tiberias landed near the place where the people had eaten the bread after the LORD had given thanks. John 6:32

Around 20 AD, during the construction of Tiberias, an ancient cemetery was found, making it unclean for any Jew to live there or travel through.  Residents of this lakeside city, heard the wonders of a man named Jesus. Hungry and anxious to see Jesus for themselves, they went in search of Him. The people that took to boats to find Jesus landed shortly after the miraculous feeding of 5,000 people. When they arrived, Jesus and His disciples had already left, so they followed them to Capernaum where they found Him.

These people knew of a possible Messiah that provided free food, but on this day Jesus’ message was the Bread of Life. It was obvious to many that Jesus met the physical needs of the sick, poor, and marginalized. No one wanted to miss out on their fair share, but our spiritual well-being is what He lived to die for and that is what these seekers found.

We often begin our spiritual journey with certain expectations, thinking we know what we’re looking for. It is what motivates us. But in God’s loving kindness, we are led to exactly what we need. He’s just that kind of God. He knows best and He is good.



Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Since my people are crushed, I am crushed; I mourn, and horror grips me. Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then is there no healing for the wounds of my people? Jeremiah 8:21-22

The nation of Israel has long since fallen and Judah likewise.  All that is left is Jerusalem, the fortress and the temple of the One True God.  It has been desecrated with false prophets, idols and the perversions of man. Jeremiah warned and warned that destruction would fall, but the people believed God would never pronounce judgement on His city.  They did not understand God at all! Their misplaced confidence was their doom.

Gilead is a region east of the Jordan River rich in farm land but heavily forested.  It was a common place for people to hide for protection.  Jacob, King David, and Israelites hiding from the Philistines are a few of its well known refugees.  It is also famous for its medicinal tree sap used in making perfume and ointment, the Balm of Gilead. 

There is no escaping judgment for constant and continued disregard for God’s commands.  The consequences are tragic!! God’s love is enduring but He does not tolerate sin! We are not created to be crushed but until there is repentance and forgiveness, there will be no balm of healing.



Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you. Psalm 63:3

David knew his destiny. Anointed secretly as a very young man, he would be Israel’s second king, but at the time he wrote this hymn, he was hiding in the Judean wilderness. Saul, Israel’s first king became wicked and even though David had proven to be his faithful ally and servant, Saul sought to kill the chosen heir to the throne.  Unjustly treated as an outlaw and on the run, David wrote this hymn of gratitude and confident trust.

David understood God’s covenant love founded on God’s absolute authority. He did not question his circumstances but waited for the Lord’s will to be revealed. A future king should expect to be groomed for his position of authority and esteem.  David put these ideals aside and was satisfied with God’s sovereignty.

When God’s intimate presence in your life is a take it or leave it option, you really have nothing at all.  When God’s love is all that matters…..then it is all that matters.

Have a Terrific Tuesday,


Monday, February 19, 2018

And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.” Luke 22:19

God made a covenant with Abraham. His descendants would number as the sands on the shores, the stars in the sky and they would inherit the Land of Canaan. These people were now in slavery to an Egyptian Pharaoh. God heard the cries of His people and called Moses to return to the Pharaoh’s household and demand that God’s chosen people be set free. Calamity upon calamity occurred but Pharaoh would not comply, until a final plague, the death of the first born son.

God provided a way for the Hebrew families to be spared. Their thresholds were covered in the blood of a sacrificed lamb. Families gathered on that night, shared their food and waited for deliverance to come.  It did. Passover is the season for celebrating this wonderful deliverance and salvation.

Jesus gathered with His friends to share in the intimate, sacred remembrance. Not only was this a time to remember God’s covenant with Israel, but a time to teach the young of God’s faithful provision and hope. At the conclusion of the meal Jesus took bread and broke it. He knew that he would not see another sunset as a man. He would face agony and humiliation. He would die. Thanking God for what He alone knew, He introduced the New Covenant in which HIS blood would separate life and death.

The Lamb of God gave His body, His life, for yours.

