Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Dear Children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.     I John 3:18

John was called by Jesus to leave his fishing boats and follow. He and his brother James were known to have fiery temperaments and were coined, “Sons of Thunder.” Then John became one of Jesus’ closest friends. He was with Jesus in the most poignant moments of His ministry, and at the crucifixion when he was given care of Mary, Jesus’ mother. These events John witnessed had an impact on his deepening character. The reality of Christ’s purpose shaped John’s heart and He became a great champion of love.

I strongly encourage you to read the entire passage, I John 3:11-24. If what you are feeling does not move you into action, then what you are feeling is not love. Words do not cost much. In fact, words of love are tossed around lightly and manipulatively, but actions are different. Actions come at a price and payment is something we ration sparingly.

Actions define our character, our faith, our heart. It is not our words that express our love for God, but our behavior toward our fellow man. For in unconditional love toward others we give God complete and total control of the outcome and take ourselves out the equation. Giving all with absolutely no expectation of ever getting anything back but eternal life is serious action. That is loving as Christ does, because that is what He did.



Monday, January 30, 2017

It was majestic in beauty, with its spreading boughs, for its roots went down to abundant waters. Ezekiel 31:7

Egypt’s Pharaohs considered themselves to be immortal and infallible as did their subjects. Egypt was successful, strong, like the tallest and strongest tree in the forrest, sustaining itself from an endless supply of resources only it could access. The prophecy? All things of earth come and pass away, except the things of God.

Look at the verb ‘was’. The second word in this scripture. It speaks volumes. Was…….all gone. The glory of the past is not today, it was……….

This earth will someday become a WAS. I will someday be an earthly WAS! The only sustaining, everlasting resource is Jesus’ love and free gift of eternal life that everyone can access. When time ceases there will never again be a WAS, and until then, do not live for the things of this world, but the things for which time has no hold, ETERNITY.

Love you,


Sunday Stories, January 29, 2017

Who’s Child is This?

Many years ago my suspected pregnancy was medically confirmed and I became a mom. It was an unplanned pregnancy, but it was welcomed, and so began my campaign to be the best version of me that I possibly could. I took vitamins, read appropriate ‘mommy to be’ books, decorated a little nursery and waited!

My delivery was difficult and frightening, but the outcome was the world’s most beautiful child, a girl (the first of two perfect children). Keith and I buckled our little angel into her car seat, headed home and things got real! Actually, disastrous!!! My baby hated me. She didn’t want to nurse, she didn’t want to sleep. I attempted to bathe her in the manner the books advised. Soapy and wriggly, she screamed, stiffened and I nearly dropped her. At that moment I handed her to my mom and said, “I can’t imagine loving anything so much, but I don’t want to. The risk to my heart is too great. What if God takes her away? How will I survive?” Mom, the seasoned mother of four, took both of her wet and crying children, her daughter and her daughter’s daughter, sat down on the couch and held us both until we calmed. From the silence, holding my now sleeping child, mom gave me wise counsel, “Gretchen, give her back to her Heavenly Father. He loves her more than you do. It’s going to be alright.”

Time seemed to pick up speed but motherhood didn’t get any easier. Leah was everything I was not. She loved dirt, dogs, strangers, adventure and she had great hair!!! I was not equipped to her mom, but I loved her more than life itself and so I heeded my mother’s sage advise. I gave her back to the One that created her and I prayed. I prayed God would send her friends and together they would bring out the best in each other. I whispered prayers for the man that might someday be her prince charming, and I prayed that God would give me patience and wisdom when they ran in short supply.

God answered every petition. Many of those friends were adults that kept watch over the teens in our church and community, giving generously of their time and money, assuring quality things for farm kids to do, because Leah’s pets grew from dogs and cats, to chickens, goats, opossums, raccoons, rabbits and horses.

Prince charming made his grand arrival one sunny summer day and asked for her hand in marriage. I had a quiet season of tears over the magnitude of change that was upon me. The tears dried and we began to plan a wedding. Leah’s only request was that her special day be full of laughter and joy……… and could her dog be with her at the alter? Some things got left undone and some compromises were made, but laughter and joy reigned. It was beautiful and today she is living her happily ever after.

Returning my child to her Creator freed me to love without boundaries and know the same God that guided me through life’s storms and brought me the greatest joys this side of Heaven would do the same for her. When I remind my precious child that she is not mine, but His, she knows this world is not her home, and that’s really all I wanted in the first place. She is His, I am His and we are Family.

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hoped, always perseveres. Love never fails. I Corinthians 13:4-8b.

Have an exceptionally great Sunday,


Saturday, January 28, 2017

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:18

When I was young I heard, “If only I had the wisdom I have now, combined with the energy I had then.” I vowed never to say those words, but here I am….plodding along, growing older, wiser and wishing.

Youth means dreaming, planning, executing, and accomplishing, until you realize the vehicle you own mean Saturdays with a water hose maintaining that car lot shine, walking miles to the store entrance to avoid a door ding and working overtime to pay the bank note. Wisdom means accepting that it will never reach ‘classic’ status if you haul your kids and their friends to the beach and the fuel turns to a useless vapor at a faster rate than you care to ponder. The only true value of these possession is the intangible things they provide……memories and connections of love.

Paul’s words to this church in Corinth speaks to the same mentality. Invest in something lasting, Heaven, not just for yourself, but for others too.



Friday, January 27, 2017

May the LORD, the God of your ancestor, increase you a thousand times and bless you as He has promised. Deuteronomy 1:11

Deuteronomy is one of the most quoted Old Testament Books by New Testament writers and was a theological source or guiding principal for Israel’s faithful and obedient living in the covenant land.

Moses brought Israel from Egypt to the plains of Moab, God’s covenant with Abraham was about to be fulfilled. The stage was being set for Israel to become a blessing to “all peoples on earth!” But Moses’ journey was at an end. He would not be entering this blessed land. As a consequence of disobedience, Moses knew he would die and be buried in sight of Canaan, but not part of it. This verse is from a sermon Moses spoke to remind God’s beloved people who they are, where they came from, how far they have come, where they are going and why they were created.

We do not need to live in the shadows of our past, but it is an incredibly healthy thing for the believer to look back, see God’s faithfulness to His children and KNOW that He is never changing, all powerful, sovereign and ALL LOVING, therefore, what He as done, He will continue to do.

Have a Fabulous Friday,


Thursday, January 26, 2017

Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.         I Timothy 6:12

Timothy stayed in Ephesus to chose and train church leaders. The Epistle, I Timothy, is the first letter Paul wrote to this missionary, giving explicit instruction for church leadership, cooperate and individual holy living and personal encouragement for Timothy himself. The words above are in the closing comments of this letter. They are very impassioned! “Tim! Don’t give up! I know it’s hard but remember for Whom you are working and never forget you are first and foremost a sinner saved by grace!”

The Christian population cannot cloister themselves from a sin infested world. If we did, the mission of the Body of Christ would halt, or would have halted shortly after it began. Yet, neither can we embrace the values of this world. Holiness is simple, but this balance between earthly survival (prosperity, influence, getting along with people we don’t agree with, humility verses boldness) and Heavenly aim is tough. The answer? What Paul writes to Timothy applies to you too. Don’t give up! You are a sinner saved by grace. Walk only the path that leads to the Throne of God and with great love, invite many more to join you.



Wednesday, January 25, 2017

But if you tell me the dream and explain it, you will receive from me gifts and rewards and great honor. So tell me the dream and interpret it for me. Daniel 2:6

Faithfulness is the only appropriate response to a Living, Eternal, Sovereign God. Daniel was faithful.

When Jehoiakim, Judah’s king, refused to pay taxes to Babylon’s king, Babylon came knocking and Jerusalem fell. Daniel, a young man of noble birth, one of the best and brightest, was no longer his own.

From the beginning of Daniel’s captivity he practiced the highest standard of ethics and holy behavior. As a result, God gave him knowledge and wisdom, including the gift of understanding visions and dreams. (Daniel 1:17) King Nebuchadnezzar found none to compare to Daniel and three of his friends.

The king had a disturbing dream. He was losing sleep and becoming cranky. Astrologers and magicians confessed that there was no one on earth that could meet the king’s request. In a rage Nebuchadnezzar decreed that all wise men were to be executed including Daniel and friends. Daniel stepped forward with wisdom and tact and sought the One True God. Daniel interpreted the king’s dream, saving the lives of many but more importantly, reminding Mr. Nebuchadnezzar and all others that no earthly dominion will ever outlive or out shine the eternal power and love of God.

Bitterness and entitlement destroy hope. Humble faithfulness restores and sustains life.

Have a Wonderful Wednesday,


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

But now, this is what the LORD says-He who created you, Jacob, He who formed you, Israel: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. Isaiah 43:1

Our names are the most intimate part of our identity. I am Gretchen, once Jones, now Rooney. I am wife, mother, daughter, teacher, pastor, friend, confidant…..These names define me, associate me with something bigger than myself, and give me the security of community. It’s how I am called by those who know and need me.

God, my creator, the Master designer of my body and soul, summons me, gives me identity, purpose and kinship. But by what name does He call? Is it peace maker, comforter, champion of the outcast, proclaimer of Good News? For summons is not just a call to approach, but a prelude to ‘GO!’ Our name before the Throne of Grace is incredibly precious. It is our call and purpose and when God speaks it, we recognize the voice of our Father.

What God does for Jacob, the one who had a physical encounter with Him and was renamed Israel, He will do for you. We are the redeemed, our ransom is paid and we are His. Read the rest of this chapter. If there was ever a scripture that said, “I’ve got this, now go! Be bold!” It is Isaiah chapter 43. We are summoned, and sent and all the power of Heaven and earth is our fortress because the one name that matters most is, Child of God, Saved by Grace.



Monday, January 23, 2017

Better one handful with tranquility than two handfuls with toil and chasing after the wind. Ecclesiastes 4:6

Ecclesiastes is not a book of deep theology. It is a collection of reflections put to pen by Solomon, or one of his admirers, as he looked out upon a sin weary world. Maybe it was cathartic to write things down, close the book and lay his head upon his pillow. We could theorize all day, but it is part of God’s Holy word and it has something to say to us.

This passage of scripture reflects on the fact that man’s greatest motivation is ‘Keeping up with the Jones’.’ We don’t seek what we need, or what would best benefit our community and family, we seek what will give us status above others. Society’s sifter is economic accumulation as revealed in our possessions, and yet, it does not bring us joy and security, it just instigates more work and worry.

I was present at the 2001 Daytona 500 Race when Dale Earnhardt crashed with Ken Schrader and died instantly. The emotions shared with other fans that moment are indescribable, but in the following days I saw a recording of him in his own words, “Yes I have achieved all I aimed to achieve, but it cost me everything.” And indeed it did.

Tranquility on earth is scarce. Let’s join together and create some to share with others.

Have a Wonder Full Week,


P.S. I also heard Dale Earnhardt’s testimony of faith that came later in life. I am not judging him as I am a fan and great admirer. I appreciated his candor when he confessed the price his success had cost his family and specifically his children. It moved me to be less ambitious and more servant minded.

Sunday Stories, January 22, 2017

Dendrites and Other Fruit

There is a certain anticipation that begins in a particular heart every August. It’s my heart and the great awaiting is the arrival of my class roster for the new school year. It is incredibly exciting to build a vision for each child’s formal educational experience. Soon we meet, get to know each other and embark on our journey with, “Reading, Writing and Arithmetic.”

It is well documented how humans gather, sort and store information in their brains. Being a teacher of five and six year olds means helping them learn to perform this natural process in an efficient way. Starting with very basic ideas such as slanting lines and straight lines, children begin to apply attributes to the world around them and build mental files they can retrieve and use. Soon, short sticks, circles, arcs and paper with lines are added. The adventure with written print and all its components has begun. Within a few short months a child goes from investigating all the beautiful things a pencil can do, to using it for expressing themselves and relaying and gathering useful information. This simple process has a name, dendritic, or branching…..going from simple to complex, complex to simple. River systems, trees, the blood vessels in your body all depend on branching as does your ability to learn, store, recall and use knowledge.

Here is a clearer picture of dendrites. A tree has a trunk, the largest part of the tree. From that trunk, branches shoot outward. From them, smaller branches continue until the system is complete to the very last tiny twig. River systems begin high in the mountains as small trickles of snow melt. Gravity pulls these trickling streams toward the sea as they join together making larger and larger bodies of water until finally they reach the ocean. For teaching kindergarten? A child must understand that an ‘A’ and an ‘H’ are not the same even though they have identical components. So we begin with basics, sticks and circles, to complex, how they connect and represent sound.

Jesus has something to say about dendrites too. Remain in me, and I will remain in you. For a branch cannot produce fruit if it is severed from the vine and you cannot be fruitful apart from me. Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing. John 15:4-5

Jesus is complex. We are simple, we are the branches. He wove the world together, we did not. We do not need to understand the secrets of the universe, we just need to know the One that did and remain so connected to Him that when He moves, we move. He is the True Vine and He is calling us to a relationship that depends on Him alone for the resources needed to perform life’s purpose and be producers of His fruit……..love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. This fruit will not come about apart from the True Vine.

Simple is good. Too much clutter in our brains and hearts distracts and defeats us. Remain in the Him, He’s got it all under control. Go where He sends, do what He asks, love as He loves, be His fruit and produce His fruit.

