Thursday, May 20, 2021

 And he took the calf the people had made and burned it in the fire; then he ground it to powder, scattered it on the water and made the Israelites drink it. Exodus 32:20

God is faithful. For His covenant nation, He set them free from their slave master, the pharaoh.  He provided manna from Heaven and gave them water to drink. When they found themselves trapped between pharaoh’s advancing army and a body of water, God led this young nation across an ocean on dry land, followed by the demise of the enemy that pursued them.  

The time came when God called Moses, the leader of these sojourners, to worship and to receive the laws that would keep them Holy. The people in the valley grew impatient, convincing themselves that Moses had deserted them, they demanded their interim leader make a god they could touch and see. He complied. While their loving God was commanding these people to have no other gods, they were creating one by their own will.

Moses returned from the mountain to find those he had such hope for, dancing around a calf made out of gold. He took this idol, melted it and ground it into dust. He then sprinkled it on water and made the people drink it.  Sooooooooo…….as do all things that inter one’s body, this idol eventually made its way through the various waste systems of the Hebrew children. Yes, their idol literally became poop! 

Love the LORD, your protector, provider and lover of your soul, with all your heart and put nothing before Him.  



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