Friday, May 21, 2021

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities, His eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. Romans 1:20

Paul, the author, planned to bring the Gospel of Christ to the gentiles in Rome. He was presently in Corinth, but headed to Jerusalem with an offering for the suffering Jews who were being persecuted for their new found faith. Not sure that he would leave Jerusalem alive, he wrote this letter to the ‘capitol of the world’ explaining the nature of Jesus Christ and His Gospel. 

Rome was also the capitol of depravity. These people had many gods but did not submit to anything but their own immoral pleasure. On the flip side of this issue you find Jews so wrapped up in the ancient law and adhering to standards impossible to attain. In both of these extremes, the All Mighty Power and Wonder of God’s creative character, is lost in a man centered mentality.

God owes man nothing, certainly not a verification of His existence. Still, everything about creation speaks that we are His glory, the very thing He created for. God is daily revealing Himself, His character, in the mundane everyday rising of the sun and the setting there of. If nothing else, this is reason to believe and praise.



P.S. Give your ears a treat and listen to the song, How Great Thou Art.

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