Saturday, October 30, 2021

Because you did not serve the LORD your God joyfully and gladly in the time of prosperity. Deuteronomy 28: 47 (Chapter 28)

If you need absolute proof that the Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God, here it is.  Moses is directed to state the blessings of serving God only, never putting an idol or other god in His place. But He also lists the curses that will fall on this covenant people. They now number as the stars, but will be brought to ruin by the neglect and abuse of their blessings if that is their choice. Time told the story.

Israel’s peace and well-being depended on a right relationship with God. He knows the good that lies in store for the faithful and the sorrows of those who rebel and sin. Between these glad tidings and sorrows is man’s free will. Obedience isn’t the easiest route, but it is the only journey with a happy ending. 



Friday, October 29, 2021

“And you shall write very clearly all the words of this law on these stones you have set up.” Deuteronomy 27:8  (Chapters 24-27)

In an age when books were scarce, Joshua was commissioned to erect stones, apply a coating of plaster and write the Law on them so the people could see, read if they were able, remember, obey and teach the next generation.  This was a common custom across the cultures of the ancient world. Moses commanded that this be the first act upon arrival in Canaan.

These stones would be part of renewing the covenant of which curses and blessings were a part. A ceremony would take place. Six tribes each would climb opposite mountains. The Levites would pronounce the blessings and curses of infringement and the people would add their ‘Amen,’ or their ‘So be it.’ 

Can you imagine the enormity of this nation gathering on the mountain sides, and the resounding thunder of their ‘Amens’?  It would leave a lasting impression, just as God intended. Covenant keeping is serious business and the law was not to be passively approached.

God, in His Law giving and Love lavishing, was specific and purposeful. He left no loopholes. Don’t look for them, they aren’t there. Trust, obey, love and praise and God will take care of the rest.

Happy Friday,


Thursday, October 28, 2021

Whatever your lips utter you must be sure to do, because you made your vow freely to the LORD your God with your own mouth. Deuteronomy 23:23 (Chapters 17-23)

The Law was given to create a culture, a nation. The ancient cultures of Biblical times were primitively organized with dietary habits, dress codes, behavior protocols and procedures. Worshiping/idolatry was certainly at the center of these city-states. God was setting the standards for Holiness to be lived out by His chose people. It is often said, the devil is in the details, but not so here. The Israelites were building from scratch, becoming something from nothing but faith through remembrance of what God had done and what He has promised to the future.  The details were to irradiate any misinterpretation or misdirection. 

God called His people to be set apart. In chapter 17 God prophesies that Israel will someday insist on an earthly king. While He does not endorse what He knows will come, He does ask to be their decision leader in choosing a just, fair and impartial judiciary, as someday, the Messiah would come from this earthly lineage, revealing God’s message and purpose to all nations. 

The community of believers is to be both inclusive and exclusive, marked by purity and Holiness through practical human living. Being people of integrity is important, whether vowing to God or to other people. Our actions directly represent the God we serve. God doesn’t lie, cheat, steal, exploit or compromise, neither can we and call ourselves His own.



Wednesday, October 27, 2021

You must not worship the LORD your God in their way. Deuteronomy 12:4 (Chapters 12-16)

Going beyond the admonition to love and obey, the specific laws of daily living are once again restated. God intends for His people to be set a part, different from all other cultures and nations on earth. Acclimation is not acceptable, remaining different is!

God made provision for every circumstance that will ever arise, from worship to accidental death. Worship will keep Israel connected to God and obedience will bring blessings unique to them only.

Though we are no longer held to the rigid laws of diet and ceremonial cleansing, it remains important to deliberately live as someone set a part. All are born with the same natural instinct to sin, but when we believe that Jesus became the final sacrifice for our sins and we confess and ask Him for forgive, we become a new creation and we chose to be different than the world around us.  Where there is hate, we chose love. Where there is fear, we lead with faith. Where there is despair we lavish hope.  We are different because we are forgiven and we are God’s children.

Happy Wednesday,


Tuesday, October 26, 2021

And now, O Israel, what does the LORD your God ask of you but to fear the LORD your God, to walk in all His ways, to love Him, to serve the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul. (Chapter 7-11)

Israel is headed right into the heart of pagan culture. They will know the glory of great national/military victory.  The combination of these things will make it difficult to remain faithful and humble, something necessary for holiness. God commands them to destroy all idols and never forget the miracles of the wilderness where their clothes never wore out and feet never swelled from travel.

God is not clearing random people from the land of Canaan.  It is because of their depravity that God is allowing them to be destroyed, and it is not Israel’s righteousness that entitles them, but God’s judgement alone. Moses cautions Israel to remember their rebellion and the price they paid. National prosperity comes with wondrous promises and ominous warnings.

Spiritual survival requires deliberate removal of all that defeats. God will not share your soul with another allegiance. Don’t overlook the use of the word ‘All’ in the above scripture.  It is a very important component to the success of your journey to The Promised Land.

Have a Terrific Tuesday,


Monday, October 25, 2021

These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Deuteronomy 6:6-7 (Chapters 4-6)

The theme of these three chapters is “Remember, remember, remember, then obey and tell your children.”   

This nation was conceived in miracles. Apart from the supernatural, wonderworking power of God there would be no Holy people. Those that were to receive the inheritance were tasked with perpetuating faithfulness and humility in the generations to come. They saw first hand what God did and they must tell their children.

From Gretchen’s book of common sense: Children (of all ages) are taught, even when we wish they weren’t. What matters to their parents, matters to them. The more progressive parent might suggest their child should investigate and find their own answers.  Yes, children of every generation have done this, but the phenomena that persists through the ages is that they come back to their childhood securities. In other words, they fall back on the lessons learned at their father’s knee.  SO TEACH THEM! If you’re going to give God glory, testify first in your own home and live like you believe. Trust like you have the inside track on hope and obey like you know THE ONE that holds the future.



Saturday, October 23, 2021

“Do not be afraid of them; the LORD your God himself will fight for you.” Deuteronomy 3:22 (Chapter 2-3)

Israel had many victories over their foes as they approached the entrance to Canaan.  The people were still mindful of the strong nations already residing there, but Moses assured them, God’s got this!

A few verses later Moses asks God to allow him to enter the beautiful land he could see clearly from a mountain top.  God refused and commanded Moses to encourage and prepare Joshua to lead.

Moses could only see what earth had to offer, and it was good.  Rest was in sight, and he wanted to experience this most blessed home. But God knew there was a better place for this man of great faith, and yes, that Home too, was in sight.

In Matthew chapter 17, Jesus leads Peter, James and John to a mountain top. There, Jesus was transfigured and spoke with Moses and Elijah.  They talked of the things to come, giving Jesus strength and encouragement to face His horrific fate at the hands of His own people.  What a tremendous testimony to the assurance of life eternal.  This man, so human in the early Biblical narrative, spoke face to face with Jesus several hundred years later and is still living and walking with God as I write.  What a beautiful act of God, to give us this story to cling to as we journey along our paths and press on to The Promised Land.

Happy Weekend,


Friday, October 22, 2021

Then I said to you, “Do not be terrified; do not be afraid of them.”  Deuteronomy 1:29 (Chapter 1)

The word ‘Deuteronomy’ means ‘repetition of the law’. On the eve of entrance into Canaan, Moses expounds on God’s commands and leads the people in rehearsal for their new way of life. From verse 26-31 Moses recounts the weakness of the people’s faith, but reminds his hearers of God’s faithfulness to them, His loved people, and His covenant.

The episode of total, spiritual breakdown, after the spies return and tell of great walled cities and vast armies already residing in Canaan, is told once again. The rebellion that followed cost a generation their inheritance, yet God forgave, and those who know nothing but absolute reliance on God would soon enter their homeland.

The mentality of the original Israelites constantly questioned God’s dedication and love. They felt certain God was toying, playing them for fools and staging them for total failure. How little self-respect and worth they must have felt to have arrived at these conclusions.

God has no hidden agenda. He may be jealous of our affections, but He is NOT malicious. The plan is quite obvious in the story of man’s history. Each of us is born to worship god alone, love one another and experience eternal life. It is a free choice, but God is Good, loving and faithful. He will care you as a father carries his son.



Thursday, October 21, 2021

These are the commands and regulations the LORD gave through Moses to the Israelites on the plains of Moab by the Jordan across from Jericho. Numbers 36:13 (Chapters 34-36)

Moses’ life is coming to an end. He will not enter the promised land. This privilege was lost when he threw an angry fit and undermined the Israelites recognition of God’s love and miracle of water from a rock. But, aside from Jesus, no man in history has been associated with so many manifestations of God’s Divine Power.

Moses was God’s agent to the plagues of Egypt and a nation of slaves was set free. Soon, the waters of the Red Sea parted, but there was a desert awaiting. For forty years, Israel wandered in a hostile environment and miracles became a regular part of everyday life. From bad water turning sweet, to quail and manna for food, Moses’ God let no one starve or dehydrate. Moses presented the tablets of law written by God’s own hand and remained in constant communion with God, with his face radiating God’s glory. Some of the miracles Moses is associated with are punitive in nature.  The ground swallowed Korah and his rebels, Miriam was infected with leprosy, then healed. There was a plague of vipers, but Moses was commanded to fashion a brass rod that healed the people of their venomous bites. Aaron’s rod budded to show God’s authority and Balaam’s donkey spoke.

Led for forty years with a cloud by day and a fire by night, Moses could not have delivered Israel out of Egypt and to the Promised Land without the help and intervention of Almighty God. He paid a human price. He grew weary and frustrated often, but eternity was more than worth the cost.



Wednesday, October 20, 2021

“ ‘But if you do not drive out the inhabitants of the land, those you allow to remain will become barbs in your eyes and thorns in your sides. They will give you trouble in the land where you will live. And then I will do to you what I plan to do to them.’ ” Numbers 33:55-56 (Chapters 31-33)

The Midianites lured the Israelites into whoredom and idolatry. God gave a divine command for war, Moses undertook the order and the Israelites had phenomenal success. God passed judgement and swift consequences for evil doers, but warned that the presence of this temptation would mean the downfall of the nation if it wasn’t removed completely!

Temptation is not sin, but the beginning of following human urges rather than God’s perfect perseverance and Holiness. Putting satan behind you means removing temptation at all costs. It is to protect so that you may have more, never less.

It would be nice to think that at some point we could sequester ourselves tightly enough that temptation would not come knocking. This is an impossibility, but God always makes a way for us to overcome sin, to the extreme of grace and mercy. 

