Monday, May 24, 2021

He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. Colossians 1:17

Paul was imprisoned in Rome when he wrote the church in Colossae, a city near the border of Asia and about 100 miles from Corinth. This church was dealing with a supposed ‘higher thinking,’ and enlightened philosophy that called for the worship of angels as heavenly mediates and strict adherence to select jewish laws, blended together with superior arrogance. 

There is a glue that holds the universe perfectly together, gravity and magnetic energy.  As opposing or complimentary forces, they hold the electrons of an atom a perfect distance away from its nucleus, allowing them to connect in perfect harmony with each other, to create the elements that sustain life. Earth’s path is a specific distance from the sun and tilts a certain degree as it rotates on an axis and orbits with the other planets in our solar system. In all this magnificence, there is only one thing that matters, God. He always was and always will be. He is bound by neither time or space. 

Only God is infinite. When there was nothing, there was God. Then there was everything, but most importantly, He sent His Son so that a fallen, broken man can live in harmony on earth and eternally in His Peace and Majesty. Now we can be infinite too.



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