Thursday, June 30, 2022

Again Peter denied it, and at that moment a rooster began to crow. John 18:27 (Matthew 26:57-27:1, Mark 14:53-15:1, Luke 22:54-71, John 18:12-27)

Following Jesus’ arrest, He was taken to Annas the High Priest to make an accounting before the Jewish court. At this time, Annas had no real authority, but had great sway among the Jewish populous. His opinion would be important as Caiaphus as The Council moved forward to convict Jesus of Blasphemy. The Council is comparable to the Supreme Court and is made up of 71 elders, chief priests and scribes. The interrogations were never meant to be truth seeking endeavors, but justification for personal agendas and hatred.

Peter has a personal struggle with loyalty when his own life is put in jeopardy. He vehemently, using profanity, denies ever knowing Jesus. When the rooster crows he is grieved and ashamed, but his weakness soon becomes a bravery the world has rarely seen. In contrast, Judas’ self-seeking cowardice ends in self-inflicted demise. Judas’ life ended when his own control failed and he did not look any further.

To those who live under the hope of civil and social justice, it is incomprehensible that Jesus did not set wrongs to right on this night. But He trusted in a greater purpose; God’s plan to once again bring order out of chaos.  Peter faced his worst self and found it wasn’t who he longed to be. He clung to hope and found all He ever needed, Mercy and Grace.

Have a Great Day!


Wednesday, June 29, 2022

The Simon Peter, who had a sword, drew it and struck the high priest’s servant, cutting off his right ear. (The servants name was Malchus.) John 18:18 (Matthew 26:36-56, Mark 14:32-89, Luke 22:40-53, John 18:1-12)

Judas betrays Jesus in the presence of all the important Jewish authorities and Jesus’ closest and dearest friends. His expectations must have been great for staging himself as the big hero of the day.  Things took a drastic turn as he soon realized he played a major role in the doom of an innocent man.

Jesus took his friends to an olive grove called the Garden of Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives. Here, Heaven and earth come very close together. The men He had been given fell asleep, exhausted from their sorrow, leaving Jesus completely alone to face His dread and anguish, but as Jesus prayed and asked for this cup to be taken away, an angel appeared and gave Him strength. As He prayed the Temple guards, led by Judas came to arrest Him. Impulsive, loyal Peter, in the act of defending Jesus, cut off the ear of Malchus the servant. Jesus responded by stating that all of Heaven’s angels are at His command if He chose to call them. He chose not to.

On this night, everyone in the world wanted their own way……..except Jesus. He only wanted the will of the Father…….and death was defeated once and for all!



Tuesday, June 28, 2022

This is my command: Love each other. If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. John 15:17-18 (John 15, 16, 17)

Jesus’ final discourse was the allegory, The Vine and the Branches. Using an illustration of husbandry all those present understood, Jesus showed them the Holy Spirit would guide them as they love one another, obey the commandments and remain in abiding fellowship with God.  In this manner they would remain strong in the presence of persecution and do great works in His name. The end result would/will be joy springing from sorrow.

Jesus is returning to Heaven as our advocate. He states firmly, the synagogue will hate you and force you out. They are so secure in their hatred they believe it is God’s work to persecute you and end your life’s work. Jesus declares He has overcome the world and be prays a tender prayer of farewell.

In the verse above love and hate are side by side. One is of Heaven, the other of this world. Hatred ended Jesus’ life from earth’s point of view, but in love it was the beginning. The completion of His purpose is left with us. We have nothing to fear or prove for what can harm us that Christ hasn’t put to rest? Satan’s biggest lie is to assert he still has a valid place in the lives of the faithful and threats of harm are his greatest weapon. Well, he doesn’t, for in the name of Jesus we live forever! 



Monday, June 27, 2022

And I will do whatever you ask in My name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask Me for anything in My name, and I will do it. John 14:13-14 (Matthew 26:30-35, Mark 14:26-31, Luke 22:31-38, John 13:36-14:31)

As Jesus sends Judas the betrayer to complete his evil deed, the rest of the disciples remain in the upper room with Jesus. Jesus has spent much time teaching in parables. As the end draws near He begins speaking directly and factually of future events, but the disciples still don’t understand. As Jesus speaks of a place He is going where the disciples cannot follow, Peter discerns it is a dangerous mission and volunteers to go. Jesus tells Peter Satan has asked to ‘sift’ him, then assures him he is covered in prayer and when his faith and love are proven firm, he is to lead.

In these last moments with Jesus, James and John have tried to sort out their place in an earthly kingdom, Peter prepares to be a warrior, Thomas worries that he will not find the way as easily as Jesus believes, Philip asks to see this Father Jesus speaks of and the other Judas wonders aloud why only a few are being told these final truths and warnings. All of these queries are valid reactions of man faced with the depth and mystery of God. Jesus assures them He is leaving the Holy Spirit, who will live in them, remind them of all they’ve learned and fill them with a peace that will empower them to finish the work He has begun.

Jesus reaffirms His love and obedience to His Father and states the prophecies the disciples will witness being fulfilled. He uses ‘crucify’ and ‘glorify’ interchangeably and promises that all of Heaven will be at the disposal of those who believe and ask. Jesus dreads the pain of the death, but He keeps His eye on the joy of returning to His father. His mission was beyond the cross and ours is too. Hope, Love, Joy, Peace………these are the gifts of the Holy Spirit and you are welcome to them in unbound abundance……… just ask!



Saturday, June 25, 2022

For God is not a God of disorder but of peace-as in all congregations of the Lord’s people. I Corinthians 14:33

This verse was revolutionary in my walk toward Christian maturity. Life at it’s finest is still very overwhelming and our natural responses to this state are not good: anger, bitterness, discouragement, despair to name just a few. These responses also lead to actions that fail us in productivity whether it’s in our work or in our relationships. Does this sound like a play date with the devil? It always was for me UNTIL a wise older woman said, “Honey, don’t you know God doesn’t wish all this chaos on us, He is a God of Order and Peace, take His Peace!! Sometimes I have to do a complete houseclean of my activities, schedules, ambitions and expectations to restore Godly order. Sometimes I just have to rearrange my spiritual furniture to make paths of movement more efficient and comfy. Whatever needs to be done, only you and God will know, but HE IS PEACE. He is the architect of peace and order. He wove the universe together and while doing so He gave each creature in that universe the gift of unique individualality. Ask, listen and receive from Him today. He’s certainly up to the challenge. Have a blessed day. Gretchen

Friday, June 24, 2022

“A new command I give you; Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35 (Matthew 26:20-29, Mark 14:19-25, Luke 22:14-30, John 13:1-38)

As the disciples prepare and gather for their evening meal they are sifting through what seems to be cryptic messages from Jesus. They argue among themselves concerning who will have what honor in the New Kingdom. Inability to put away expectations of a tangible, earthly kingdom are causing conflict and pride to arise within the group. The prophecies being fulfilled will make sense soon enough and leave the future generations with indisputable evidence to the Kingdom of God for those who choose to believe, but in their present, they are struggling with what it all means. 

The plot to kill Jesus will soon be successful, but on this evening Jesus declares calm in the midst of His storm. In His own darkest hours Jesus bows to wash feet. This is how He shows status and power are not the objective, humility, love and servitude are. The disciples are called to a mutual love, one that will be necessary to sustain them in the days to come.  Jesus modeled the true nature of the New Kingdom, now it is up to these me, and us today, to follow it through.

Perfect love is seen in the relationship between God and His Son. God loves us so much He sent His son to die for us.  The Son loved His Father so much He never hesitated to do His will, which wasn’t to die, but to love. Remember, the dying was because He loved. This cycle of love is never ending and boundless. It is our example and the mission we have been given. It’s a tall order, but remember, it isn’t merely a suggestion, it is the New Command.



Thursday, June 23, 2022


“If anyone hears My words but does not keep them, I do not judge that person. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save the world.” John 12:47 (John 12:37-50)

In His final hours of daylight Jesus reaches out to those who struggle spiritually. The disciples were sent to begin preparations for the Passover meal. They have no idea it is going to be The Last Supper. Along with those who outright detest Jesus are some who want to believe He is the Messiah, but remain quiet due to the reactions of those who passionately hate Him. Jesus says, “To reject Him is to reject God!” Yet, He came to bring light and life, not the darkness of judgement and death.

Soon those near Jesus will curse Him, yet here He is declaring love over judgement. His premier objective is salvation! Judgement will have its day, but only after everything possible has been done to rescue the lost and show them the way, lit brightly with love.

It is difficult to set aside judgement with so much pain and anguish all around, but chose to act in strength and love, leading others to the Light. Don’t face the world through the darkness of condemnation and then slam the door shut when you are done. Jesus, the only One who has the right to judge, choses to defer until all hope is exhausted. He is our example, do as He does. Love!

Happy Thursday,


Wednesday, June 22, 2022

“As you know, the Passover is two days away-and the Son of Man will be handed over to be crucified.”  Matthew 26:2 (Matthew 26:1-16, Mark 14:1, 2,10, 11, and Luke 22:1-6)

Maybe Judas was tired of waiting for Jesus to become an earthly king, or maybe he was so greedy his avarice made all his decisions, and then there is the possibility that he was jealous of the circumstances.  He wasn’t the rock star, nor was he part of Jesus’ inner circle. Perhaps he didn’t think they would actually kill Jesus, just force Him to show His hand. Where the seed of sin began does not matter, that it found fertile soil to sprout and grown in Judas’ heart does. As a result he sold Jesus for the price of a slave.

The church leadership’s strongest motivation was to see Jesus dead, but as Passover approached and Jerusalem filled with celebration, they knew it would be risky to openly arrested Him. The approach of one of His disciples, with a plan to secretly disclose Jesus’ location, so He could be quietly taken into custody, was a delightful turn of events. Their evil, in the face of such righteousness, will never cease to astound the believers, throughout the ages, as they ponder, “How did Jesus restrain Himself in the situation He saw Himself in?” The answer is simple.  He saw beyond the pain to His future glory, and in that vision, He saw your glory too.

When life is at its very worst, look beyond the cross. It kept Mary, His mother and Jesus going, because at this time, they are the only two that truly knew He was born to die.



Monday, June 20, 2022

They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything-all she had to live on.” Mark 12:44 (Matthew 21:20-46, 23:1-39, Mark 11:20-33, 12:13-44, Luke 2-:1-47)

Jesus had no patience for religious pretense. His rejection by the spiritual leaders of the day was not surprising nor an original theology. It had been going on since Israel was established. The Sadducees dismissed the idea of life after death, the Scribes were experts on Law, but totally deleted the love factor, and the Pharisees were determined that Jesus must ‘Messiah’ on their terms if He expected their cooperation! Exceptions to these wicked sects did occur and some very good and faithful men emerged during this time, but they were few.

In the parables of The Two Sons, The Tenants, The Vineyard and the Marriage Feast, Jesus speaks directly to the church leaders and the nation of Israel. The chosen people would be cast off because they ignored, rejected, and martyred God’s messengers.

The Temple had once again been cleansed by Jesus. He was ready to abandon it to its own destruction when a widow entered the area where offerings were placed.  Among the proud wealthy, publicly giving their sizable tithes and offerings came a widow who put in two very small coins, the very least someone could give. Jesus recognized her gift as more than a required amount, but a total sacrifice of all she had in this world.  This set the standard for true worship and service founded in love. After this, Jesus departed and ended His public ministry.

The state of your heart is the only state that matters. Love enough to give your life as a LIVING sacrifice and it will always be perfectly, exactly enough!



Saturday, June 19, 2022

As He approached Jerusalem and saw the city, He wept over it and said, “If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace-but now it is hidden from your eyes.” Luke 19:41-42 ( Matthew 21:1-17, Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:41-44, John 12:12-36)

There is no feast in all of Jewish history with more importance than Passover. It is the commemoration of the Exodus from Egypt, the final plague when every Jewish household covered their door with the blood of a pascal lamb and the angel of death spared their home by ‘passing by,’ because they were covered by the blood. What an appropriate time for Jesus to make His way to Jerusalem one last time. He knew His day was approaching, the culmination of His work on earth, but it was a season of dread and sorrow.

To fulfill Zechariah’s prophecy in 9:9, Jesus sent His disciples to get a young donkey, an unbroken colt. He would enter the City of David in peace, not as a warrior on a valiant steed. The cheering crowds gathered and laid their clothing and palm branches along the route to cut down on the dust. They, along with Jesus’ disciples praised Him to a deafening roar that made the Pharisees complain. Jesus responded that quiet lips would only make the rocks cry out. These people believed Jesus was finally going to build His Kingdom and free them from oppression for all time. It was their day and they were thrilled. In a few short hours their ideas of a victorious kingdom would conflict painfully with God’s plan and things would get ugly in a hurry.

When Jesus came out of the grove of olives, He saw the vista, the panorama of Jerusalem and wept. His heart ached for the hope of what could have been. It wasn’t one hour, one choice, to give His life for ours, it was days and days and days. Still, He spoke and acted in love, preparing those whose faith would be bent to breaking, knowing many of the voices singing praises on this day would turn to brutal hatred, spitting and cursing. It didn’t matter……IT DIDN’T MATTER!  His hope for what could have been became our hope of what can be! Salvation and freedom from sin!

Happy Weekend,
