Wednesday August 31, 2016

In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus Himself said: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35

These were Paul’s final words, his final goodbye to the converts in Ephesus.

Children fascinate me and sometimes they get a bad wrap concerning their ability to share. Yes they go through developmental stages that challenge even the most creative parents, but as a whole they smile and look for others to smile back. They are givers. I have never witnessed a small child hoarding anything. They take what they need and leave the rest, or they take what they need and attempt to engage others in their activity.

Paul is one of the most independent characters of the New Testament Church. He bows to no earthly person or ideal. He’s fiercely protective of clear and true theology and aggressive in correcting those who misinterpret his words or actions.

By this description, Paul is not a guy I would want to meet in a back alley on a dark night. Except the reality was, he was a sinner, saved by grace humbled by his lack of worth accept through the blood of Jesus Christ. He was bold, not entitled, he was hard working, not selfish and the earthly things he accumulated were for one purpose only…… spread the Gospel and help those that had no voice. His was a childlike faith that we are also called to. The blessing is in giving, not getting and clinging.

Have a most blessed day,


Tuesday August 30, 2016

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled. Matthew 5:6

I love words and find it amusing when two words are combined to emphasize an existing known. One of my recent favorites is ‘Hangry.’ Hangry is the state of subconscious anger due to famishment. It is not a pretty thing to witness.

The human body has a hair trigger alarm system to keep itself functioning efficiently . Hunger and thirst are part of this survival plan and when deprived of sustenance in these areas things begin to collapse quickly.

Jesus is making a parallel between a hunger and thirst that keeps our physical bodies alive to show us that a righteous heart will have a like longing, a survival reflex for the things of God.

Desires and appetites are a given but the righteous will seek what is good and just. It also goes in reverse. The more we become focused on Godliness the more our instincts turn toward correct and healthy choices for the things we take into our hearts and minds. The most beautiful part is the promise. God will NOT withhold Himself. He will feed your heart and your mind with a most glorious feast.


Monday August 29, 2016

These are the regulations concerning contamination by mildew in woolen or linen clothing, woven or knitted material, or any leather article, for pronouncing them clean or unclean. Leviticus 13:59

When asked what her favorite book is, my youngest daughter replies, “Leviticus.” What!?….. No, Leviticus is not her favorite book, it’s the irony that she enjoys, even more so when someone gets her clever humor.

As for me, I approach this book of the Bible like the student who stated, “Only 5 out of 4 people ever use fractions when they grow up so why do I have to know math?” Why Leviticus in modern day Christianity? Here’s why, Leviticus is the spoken, God breathed Word. It reveals God as our Father and we as His beloved children, His covenant community. God is intensely concerned with the health and welfare of those that have chosen to be set apart through salvation and Holiness. (Lev. 11:45 and 19:18) This concern looks different for the historical children of Israel, but the basic fact remains, moment to moment God cares that your life marches forward with healthy, ethical and productive precision.

When you wake up knowing you have more to do than hours, energy and money allow, you find mold in your storage building and your anxiety further impedes your progress, ask God to give you wisdom and guidance. TaDa!! You find the gracious, generous and unchanging God of ancient law. This God who gave directions for dealing with mildew IS willing and able to help you with the minor (and major) details of life. He is the One True God and He loves YOU!

Feeling Invincible,


Sunday Stories August 28, 2016

As I long for my blog to be a spiritual respite for my friends far and near, I have asked one of the greatest men I know to share a moment of his life. Enjoy some words from my father, Reverend J. Bryan Jones.

Authenticity of Emotion

Our embarrassments tend to stick in our mind and make an indelible impression.  It may be a social faux pas, an inappropriate or uninformed communication, or simply being misunderstood by those around us.

The later was my experience in the company of a great number of friends and ministry colleagues.  And not just once but twice…. two days in a row.  The occasion was a PALCON (Pastor’s Leadership Conference) on the campus of SNU, 1980-ish.  Pastors from across the region had gathered for inspiration, instruction and just a little R & R.  The first plenary gathering was to feature a very favorite speaker of mine, Reuben Welch.  He is the most quotable, and consequently the most memorable, of any speaker I have ever had the privilege of hearing …e.g. “Sometimes you have to give to God your inability to give yourself to God.” And I was not about to miss a word.  I took my seat in Herrick Auditorium middle row,  second pew, isle seat.

The special music for the service was provided by a popular quartet who could raise the roof with their renditions of old gospel favorites.  The “Amens”, waving of hands and vocal expressions of praise soon spilled into the isles and escalated into a concert of mixed shouts and holy hugs that everyone seemed to be enjoying but me. With the third or fourth repeating of the refrain to  “The King is Coming” the expressions of emotion were unrestrained.  The good ole term was “God came down and filled everyone with His Spirit.”

I didn’t feel a thing!  Friends and acquaintances came by and slapped me on the back as if encouraging me to get in the game.  However, my temperamental propensities would not allow me to engage in something that wasn’t me.  I just sat there, expressionless like a lump on a log. So far as I was concerned, it was an emotional orgy and I was ready for it to be over.  It was probably my imagination thinking I was getting glances of suspicion that maybe I had backslidden or lost the victory. My embarrassment soon turned into fear that they would gather around me with the laying on of hands, praying that my cold, cold heart would turn to God.

Well…..the emotions finally subsided, the services continued and at the conclusion I made a quick exit determined to not get caught like that again.  The next service, I slipped into a pew near the back and sat alone.  However,  a loving God was about to give this humble servant a dose of something real.  In place of the raucous quartet, Professor Ray Moore took the mic and, with piano accompaniment only, sang the beautiful old hymn, “My Faith Has Found a Resting Place.”  My spirit was touched, my emotions erupted.  Tears flowed freely and my body shook in response to the waves of joy that filled my breast.  It was all I could do to keep from disrupting the quiet moment with my shouts of praise.

By now, you are wondering about the second embarrassment.  Once again it may have been my overactive imagination but I was sure I was receiving furtive glances that spoke questions of why this guy sitting all alone was losing it.  No one else seemed to be having an emotional upheaval but me.

Once again I made my quick and silent exit not wanting to make eye or voice contact with anyone.  All these years later, I am sure no one remembers the occasion but me, but the embarrassing spectacle I may have been in the eyes of my brothers in ministry has been transformed into a sweet memory of a special witness of the Spirit that came like a flood.

I am not very vocal in my emotional expressions.  Pretty quiet, really, and I like it that way. But the joy of salvation wells up and the assurance of salvation is my constant experience.  The mantra of my life is solidly expressed in these words:

My faith has found a resting place, not in device or creed
I trust the ever-living One, His wounds for me shall plead.

Enough for me that Jesus saves –  this ends my fear and doubt
A sinful soul I come to Him – He’ll never cast me out.

My heart is leaning on the Word, the written Word of God.
Salvation by my Savior’s name, salvation through His blood.

I need no other argument,  I need no other plea.
It is enough that Jesus died, and that He did for me.

Lidie Edmunds   ca. 1891

Feeling the joy,

Bryan Jones

Saturday August 27, 2016

If you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God. Proverbs 2:3-5

Nothing is more frustrating than knowing someone could help you but they choose not to. Please keep in mind, this is the character of man, not God.

God NEVER withholds Himself from us. When we ask for the things that draw us closer to God and bring glory to Him, He gives in great and overflowing abundance. We must pursue God’s character as fervently as some men pursue silver. Seek the face of God and strive to mirror It in our entire being.

Through the Looking Glass,


Friday August 26, 2016

Be strong and let us fight bravely for our people and the cites of our God. The LORD will do what is good in His sight. 2 Samuel 10:12

Have you ever had your motives questioned? Had your kindness thrown back in your face?

This verse is lifted from an episode in the history of David as he is establishing the nation of Israel. A neighboring king, the king of the Ammonites died and David sent a delegation to express sympathy and show kindness. His envoy was not received in the manner in which it was sent and these men were treated to great humiliation. Hanun, the new king erred on the side of cynicism and momentary power, realized he just picked an unnecessary fight and prepared to defend. David responded in kingly fashion and gathered his army.

As the armies amassed on the battle field. David’s military commander Joab realized they were terribly outnumbered and gave this pep-talk: Be strong, fight bravely for the cities of our God, the LORD will do what is good.”

Joab spoke in this reverence because all the land was God’s not man’s. He also acknowledged that God is good, His will is good.

Standing on the cusp of battle surrounded and outnumbered by the enemy it is hard to comprehend that what we are fighting so furiously for is not even ours. It’s God’s and He’s got it. God is good so let Him worry about  the small stuff and of course the big stuff too. Just do good.


Thursday August 25, 2016

Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it. I Peter 3:11

As Jesus’ close friend, Peter would most certainly understand the passions of His heart and the purpose of His actions. They were pure and transparent, “Do good; seek peace,” with deliberate pursuit.

Any agenda other than peace is unacceptable. Doing good brings about peace. Others may not come into a state of peace, but you will and you is what you answer for.

When I come to my day of judgement, God will not ask me, “How did everyone treat you down there?” However, He will ask, “How did you treat others?” Doing good and seeking peace is the only acceptable answer to this question.

God loves peace and so must I.


Wednesday August 24, 2016

In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace. Ephesians 1:7

If you are reading this you probably have a knowledge of salvation and for that I am truly thankful. I was saved at the age of twelve and while I still stand amazed in the miracle of that moment I often struggle with the deep dark parts of my heart and mind that want to take a break from my conscience and tell the world what I really think. Soon my heart breaks for its moment of carnal will and I’m defeated. It’s a vicious cycle, but God as our creator, great redeemer and lover of our souls has this under control.

Two things are working in the act of salvation: Jesus’ blood given freely and God’s grace in boundless supply. At the point of death, sin lost it’s power over Jesus and at the point of resurrection, sin lost it’s power over the believer. Now for that unlimited grace. There is no sin God can’t and won’t forgive. His riches cross the expanse of man’s moral and physical poverty. DO NOT live in defeat! Daily accept this gift, tell Satan to take a short hike off a tall cliff, and accept God’s rich grace as your own.

Living in Victory,


P.S. I encourage you to read the entire first chapter of Paul’s letter to the church in Ephesus. It will strengthen you.

Tuesday August 23, 2016

But when the set time had fully come, God sent His Son born of a woman, born under the law. Galatians 4:4

As the Son of God, Jesus had no boundaries, no restrictions of linear time, no limits of aging flesh and certainly no carnal temptations, but as Son of Man, Jesus took on all of these characteristics. He became fully man. He became just as we are so that we have a hope to become just as He is.

It’s just this simple, Jesus became human so that we can be Holy. Jesus came to earth to lead the way to Heaven.

In Christ,


Monday, August 22, 2016

No one will be able to stand against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you. Joshua 1:5

Following the death of Moses Joshua was charged with leading the nation of Israel into the promised land. Things hadn’t been easy for Moses. It had been a long arduous trip, forty years wandering in the wilderness, not because God designed calamity, but because people are hard headed and hard hearted. Yet God remained true to His covenant and His promises. Now Joshua had a call to answer and God was paying forward the comfort and confidence Joshua was going to need to see His mission through. I especially love the promise of God’s constant presence.

Loneliness is the world’s deadliest disease. Horrible choices are made to avoid or end unwelcome solitude. People terminate their lives alienated from hope. Yet here we hear God’s voice to Joshua saying, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Even if you are alone, you will not fail ever! I am here! Here’s the great news! We get the same deal Joshua got!

It is inevitable that there will be times we feel friendless, forlorn, but if we look at Joshua’s story, he steps out into a state of being okay with just him and God. What tremendous victory over the trials of this world when we can shout, “It’s just God and me, and I’m good with that!”

Being Noisy!