Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Dear Children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.     I John 3:18

John was called by Jesus to leave his fishing boats and follow. He and his brother James were known to have fiery temperaments and were coined, “Sons of Thunder.” Then John became one of Jesus’ closest friends. He was with Jesus in the most poignant moments of His ministry, and at the crucifixion when he was given care of Mary, Jesus’ mother. These events John witnessed had an impact on his deepening character. The reality of Christ’s purpose shaped John’s heart and He became a great champion of love.

I strongly encourage you to read the entire passage, I John 3:11-24. If what you are feeling does not move you into action, then what you are feeling is not love. Words do not cost much. In fact, words of love are tossed around lightly and manipulatively, but actions are different. Actions come at a price and payment is something we ration sparingly.

Actions define our character, our faith, our heart. It is not our words that express our love for God, but our behavior toward our fellow man. For in unconditional love toward others we give God complete and total control of the outcome and take ourselves out the equation. Giving all with absolutely no expectation of ever getting anything back but eternal life is serious action. That is loving as Christ does, because that is what He did.



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