January 1, 2017 Not Really a Story


Many years ago I was given a most precious compliment. I was told, “If I ever have to face down the gates of hell, you’re the one I’m taking with me. You’re strong and I can count on you.” There are many things I’ve longed to achieve; knowledge, wealth, beauty, but at the end of the day, I’ll take this.

The passage of time is marked by memorable moments, some of our own choosing and some just history’s traditions. These moments or milestones, whether pleasant and sweet or devastating, bring about two reflexive responses: Looking back and looking forward.

New Years is a milestone, a marker in the passage of time. It’s not universal (The Chinese New Year is observed by many SE Asian countries) so there is no magic in the day. But it is a day in American culture for considerable introspection. We look back and evaluate, then make plans for successful movement forward, attaching hopes and expectations.

This past year I began my blog, thus beginning a relationship with each of you, my readers. Thank you and in this coming year I wish each of you the prosperity of peace and rest, the generosity of time to savor and the warmth of comfort in a job well done. I also hope that you have or find that person you can count when life is really tough, and learn that you have the strength to carry someone else.

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2

I have attached a youtube video, An Irish Blessing. Enjoy it if you would like.

Happy New Year! And may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
