Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Who is a God like you, who pardons sin and forgives the transgression of the remnant of his inheritance? You do not stay angry forever, but delight to show mercy. Micah 7:18

Micah is known as the grieving prophet.  His heart is pained by a sinful world, while maintaining the hope of our redeemer.  Like Micah, we must see the effect of sin, but isolate ourselves from its burden and power.

In Micah’s world everything was falling apart. Ethical behavior was hard to find, loyalty, even in family relationships had become an antiquity.  But by the very evidence that God sent a prophet to such a time and place is proof that God still had a plan to redeem and restore the totally corrupt and fallen generation.

Our God is an incomparable God. Only He is a forgiving God. Even in His anger He hears our heartbroken cries and has compassion on each of us.  He does not stay angry but DELIGHTS IN MERCY.  He delights in giving us love and grace!!! 

Have a Wonderful Day,


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