Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives’ tales; rather, train yourself to be Godly.  I Timothy 4:7

Timothy is Paul’s associate, sent to pastor the new church in Ephesus and guard them against false teaching.  Timothy is Paul’s trouble shooter and this letter was written as Paul realized his execution was coming nigh. He longed to soften the blow of his persecution by strengthening and encouraging his young protege.

As the progeny of a mixed marriage, a Jewish/Christian mother and a Gentile father, Timothy had never been circumcised, but Paul encouraged him to become circumcised so that no Jew could criticize him for being unfaithful to God’s covenant with Abraham.  The church of Ephesus struggled constantly with the bombardment of pagan gods and many people seeking an earthly agenda for prosperity rather than the faithful worship of the One True God. Paul was committed to the highest standard of integrity to the Good News of Grace.

Satan, the author of misinformation and misuse of good information, takes every opportunity to create confusion.  Confusion leads to frustration and then it is a short step from frustration to despair. Stay in God’s word.  It will not let you down.  Ask and you will receive includes clarity in time of confusion.

Have a Wonderful Tuesday,


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