Saturday, April 29, 2017

For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Galatians 5:14

The new gentile Christians of Galatia were subjected to the constant debate of Jewish converts that felt they needed to learn and heed orthodox Jewish law and tradition to earn God’s pleasure. Paul knows that Grace is free and Mercy abounds because God is Love. Our only acceptable response is to return God’s love and Love One Another.

God’s laws are a conduit of love, not a measuring stick to beat each other.

*Serve no other gods……. The One True God is worthy of our fixated adoration.
*Don’t bow down to idols……stay focused on what matters.
*Never take the Father’s name in vain……let your words reflect Holiness of heart.
*Keep the sabbath Holy…….take time to worship God and commune with His people.
*Honor your parents……make family relationships a priority.
*Do not murder…….life is a sacred gift, don’t minimize it.
*Do not commit adultery…..protect the integrity of your family.
*Do not steal…..don’t take what other’s earned and need.
*Do not gossip and lie…..don’t murder someone’s character with words.
*Do not covet… content and generous.

Just love. Let God worry about the rest.


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