Friday, April 28. 2017

You dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the One who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. I John 4:4

Who is them? ‘Them’ is the antichrist, those spirits which have enough truth to make trouble but lack The Truth that saves you and makes you whole.

During John’s life there was great struggle with the concept that Jesus came to earth as a fully human baby, lived a tempted but Holy life, served others first then died an unjust death, simply for love’s sake. When reconciled by faith, the Son of God/Son of Man equation takes all of satan’s power. Satan uses confusion to defeat and discourage, but John gives his listeners, yesterday and today, the reminder that our God overcame the world and as His children, so can we.

Because we know God and God is love, we are given the power to discern between that which God gives and that which the world offers. Knowledge isn’t the problem, the power of will is. Be strong and courageous, for your Father is a King and He has already won the day!

Have a great weekend eve,


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