Wednesday August 31, 2016

In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus Himself said: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35

These were Paul’s final words, his final goodbye to the converts in Ephesus.

Children fascinate me and sometimes they get a bad wrap concerning their ability to share. Yes they go through developmental stages that challenge even the most creative parents, but as a whole they smile and look for others to smile back. They are givers. I have never witnessed a small child hoarding anything. They take what they need and leave the rest, or they take what they need and attempt to engage others in their activity.

Paul is one of the most independent characters of the New Testament Church. He bows to no earthly person or ideal. He’s fiercely protective of clear and true theology and aggressive in correcting those who misinterpret his words or actions.

By this description, Paul is not a guy I would want to meet in a back alley on a dark night. Except the reality was, he was a sinner, saved by grace humbled by his lack of worth accept through the blood of Jesus Christ. He was bold, not entitled, he was hard working, not selfish and the earthly things he accumulated were for one purpose only…… spread the Gospel and help those that had no voice. His was a childlike faith that we are also called to. The blessing is in giving, not getting and clinging.

Have a most blessed day,


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