Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Joseph, a Levite from Cyprus, whom the apostles called Barnabas (which means “son of encouragement’), sold a field  he owned and brought the money and put it at the apostles’ feet. Act 4:36-37

The apostles called him, “Encourager.”  An early convert to Christianity, Barnabas was a compassionate man and quickly saw that Paul’s conversion was sincere and not a farce to catch and persecute believers. He accompanied Paul on his first missionary journey, sponsored by the church at Antioch.

There is a difference in living communally with common property, and living in the bounty of a Heavenly Father with full knowledge that all we have is His. Jews, who believed Jesus was the Messiah, lost everything. Patrons refused to do business with them, families turned them out and many were persecuted, leaving widows and children destitute. Part of the mission of the early church was to give relief to these people.  The church is the Body of Christ, His hands, His feet, His HEART! Barnabas breathed this mentality.

God doesn’t ask us to give more than we have, but all we have must be His.  He, as the One that created and provided all, is a far better steward of our blessings than we can ever be. Just follow and give freely, there’s plenty more where that came from!



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