Friday, January 26, 2024

To this they replied, “You were steeped in sin at birth; how dare you lecture us!” And they threw him out. John 9:34

The Pharisees decide to investigate a sabbath day miracle. Jesus heals a blind man, but the synagogue authorities must determine whether it was a sin for Him to do so. They seek the man out and ask him to repeat the details. Who healed you? How did he heal you? Where did he come from? They cast dispersions on Jesus. The man replies, “I was blind, now I see.”  He continues, “If this man were not from God, He could do nothing.”

In ancient times, birth defects or physical handicaps were thought to be the consequence of sin, either the parent’s or the person himself. Because of this prejudice, people cast speculation and judgement on things they knew nothing of.  Physically challenged people were marginalized, abused and cast into the furthest outskirts of society.  Jesus didn’t just give this man the ability to see a blue sky, he gave him a place in the world, the entire ‘living’ package.

Jesus extended love and compassion to a man who responded with praise and worship. Incredibly, the Pharisees felt their authority was threatened! Their adopted policy was to place blame instead of restoring a world to the beauty God intended.

This miracle shows, the sighted can be blind to truth. In stark contrast to man’s bigotry, hatred, tainted perspective, and fumbled intentions, Jesus can always bring good out of man’s suffering.

Happy Friday!


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