Friday, January 12, 2024

Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the Father. Matthew 10:29

Jesus called twelve disciples, all Jewish men, yet diverse in many ways. They knew a Messiah was coming and they believed Jesus was probably Him, but they expected a governmental coup and an earthly reign and justice. So, Jesus begins training these men who have stepped out in ‘faith’ believing they knew what they signed up for. It will be their mission to carry His message, while He is on earth, but more importantly, when He leaves.

A map of what to expect is laid out.  There will be much injustice including in the synagogue. Be discerning and watchful, but also be gentle and compassionate. Fear the one that destroys the soul, not those who can kill the body. In this training session, discipleship 101, the greatest lesson is God’s loving provision and care. Even the sparrow is sheltered and fed.

Man grants quality to everything and extends emotions accordingly.  God does NOT! The sparrow’s value in the order of things on earth is irrelevant to the standard of God’s loving care. On this earth there will be trials and sorrows. They are not proportionate to, nor do they reflect our value to God.  Our value is a given. He gave His son so that we may have life everlasting. God sees our tears and hears our cries. He has already prepared a way to overcome. Rest and know peace in His love and care.



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