Saturday, December 23, 2023

Inasmuch as there is none like You, O LORD, You are great, and Your name is great in might. Jeremiah 10:6 (Read the entire chapter, it’s a good one!)

Babylon’s invasion of Judah resulted in many gods becoming a common, acceptable part of everyday life for the Jewish people dispersed and separated from their communities and families. Jewish craftsmen participated in the manufacture of false gods, making easy monetary gain from something insulting to God.

Things created by the hands of man are inanimate, soulless and powerless, yet we exchange our hearts and minds for these, rather than worship, trust and love the One who designed us to fit perfectly in the universe He set in motion.

God is the One True God, there is none like Him. Man invests the dreams of his lifetime in wooden and paper idols that have no power except to compromise integrity and rob him of hope, peace and joy. It simply makes no logical sense.

He is not just the All Mighty God of the Ages, He is the All Mighty God of your today!



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