Monday, November 27, 2023

Observe the commands of the LORD your God, walking in obedience to Him and revering Him. Deuteronomy 8:6

God freed His covenant nation from the bondage of an earthly authority, a Pharaoh that mistook himself for a god. This new nation traversed the wilderness and mountains of the Sinai Peninsula following God’s direction. Forty years and one generation later they are mere footsteps away from their promised and permanent home. God’s use of this time was to make the Hebrew people His, to mold them and give them an identity founded in His likeness and they became Israel. God showed them He was faithful and trustworthy. They needed nothing, God would take care of EVERYTHING. Just trust and obey, be a people fully reliant on God.

Prosperity would come with Israel’s new, sedentary culture. With these blessings came the danger of self-sufficiency. In times of trial we cry out for help and guidance, but in times of leisure, pride and self-reliance destroy our diligence and humility.

Obedience and reverence are born of our knowledge that He alone is the One True God and He is Good. He is still trustworthy and only asks that we obey and rely.

Happy Monday,


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