Monday, October 23, 2023

His eyes are like blazing fire, and on His head are many crowns. He has a name written on Him that no one knows but He Himself. Revelation 19:12

The original readers of Revelation were called to stand firm against the power and influence of Rome and its pagan culture. Many Christians were suffering persecution, but some became complacent and avoided attention and discomfort through compromise, a dangerous place to dwell.

The scripture prior to this verse talks of the wedding supper, referencing the church as the Bride of Christ and Jesus’ return as our Groom. But quickly the vision John received turned to a Warrior, a Prince whose victory is certain and whose character, depth and mission are in large part, a mystery to mortal men who cannot fathom all that God is and has planned through His Son Jesus Christ.

John was taken into Heaven, (through his vision) to view the world from God’s perspective. Man’s natural instinct is to place themselves at the center of the universe. To remove ourselves and place God back where He belongs is a choice. If we are to live in the world, but not of it, we must place ourselves at the feet of the One who wears the crowns of victories we don’t even recognize and things we do not understand.



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