Tuesday, September 26, 2023

“You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.” John 13:7

The setting is an upper room, a table is ready for the Passover meal, a sacred holiday celebrating redemption and freedom, a family event. Jesus knows His earthly time with these men is coming to a close but they are unaware. They have seen His miraculous power calm a stormy sea, feed multitudes and heal the hopeless. Now He wants to do the work of a slave? Jesus has taken a towel and is washing the disciple’s feet, the menial task of the lowliest servant.

The disciples are not willing participants. They have great respect for Jesus. As much as they can comprehend, they believe He is the Son of God. He is worthy of all their honor and praise. Just days earlier He rode into Jerusalem like a king. However, Jesus didn’t come to establish earthly principalities, He came to serve all men with humility and love and He demonstrates this by washing nasty, crusty dirt off of feet that have trod many steps through who knows what.

No, the men sharing a Holy remembrance with Jesus didn’t get it, but Jesus knew in perfect time they would and they would becomes servants of mankind too.

We don’t always get it either. There is one constant that we can depend on when life is confusing and overwhelming. God is good, and kind. He gave His only Son in Love because He is good. Trust His heart, it is good, only good. This gives us the strength to do good also.



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