Monday, February 27, 2023

“Your house and your kingdom will endure forever before me; your throne will be established forever.” 2 Samuel 7:16

This verse is the final passage of what is now known as the Davidic Covenant. David is a warrior king, but peace has come and he has united his tribe Judah with the other tribes of Israel and established Jerusalem, then known as The City of David, as the political and religious center by returning the Ark of the Covenant. David decided he would build the first ever permanent house of God. Nathan, God’s prophet to David commended the plan until God directed otherwise.

God’s response was this, “No David, you will not build a house for Me, I will build a house for you and it will reign forever.” This is known as the Davidic covenant. Solomon, David’s son, would later build the temple.

Throughout David’s story he was the unlikely hero. God saw in David what others could not. In return, David repeatedly looked to God for his identity rather than family, friend or foe.

God designed you, so let Him define you and direct you. You will forever be in Good Hands.

Have a great day!


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