Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Clearly no one is justified before God by the law, because “the righteous will live by faith.” Galatians 3:11

Evidence is presented to a judge, the keeper of knowledge and discernment. Based on facts, the judge decides and declares guilt or innocence. When the gavel slams, the decision is made. It is irrevocable. If the accused is declared not guilty, they are known to be justified.

After Paul first visited Galatia and established a church in this Roman province, Jewish-Christian teachers came to continue the work. They insisted that new converts must become sons of Abraham by way of circumcision and strict observance of Jewish law.

This perspective made obedience to the law as important as the crucified Messiah. There is no comparison. By faith and faith alone, we know Christ voluntarily gave His life for ours. He lived a human existence but remained Holy, died on the cross and rose from the grave on the third day, thus taking away sin’s grip on all who believe!

Do we submit ourselves to standards of righteousness? Absolutely! But it is through faith that we are saved and stand before our Judge to be found blameless, guilt free, totally justified.

Have a Wonderful Midweek,


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