Monday, December 26, 2022

I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life. I John 5:13

Faith is what brings us into a relationship of salvation. Faith is also what ‘overcomes the world.’ John is writing to believers so that they may know for certain that eternal life is theirs. Temptations, false teachings, conflicting theologies, personal insecurities, all these things enter into our daily thought processes and can hinder our faith.

Because John knew the high priest, he was able to be present at the trial and crucifixion of Jesus where he accepted responsibility for Mary, Jesus’ mother. He was also one of the first to see the empty tomb, experience the risen Christ, first in a locked room and later by the sea of Galilee. John saw with his eyes, heard with his ears and felt with his hands the risen Savior. Now the early church was 50-60 years old and John was quite possibly the last surviving apostle. He is writing these closing statements to assure Christians that it is not through intellectual achievement or any other means that you are saved. It is solely through faith that leads to repentance and holy living because grace and mercy are free gifts.

As John saw the lives of the Apostles coming to an end he wrote these words to give assurance to those that would never physically walk and talk with Jesus. His letter was relevant then and relevant today! Those that believe in the Son of God have eternal life.

Have a great Monday,


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