Wednesday, September 7, 2022

And his affection for you is all the greater when He remembers that you were obedient, receiving him with fear and trembling. 2 Corinthians 7:15

This seems a strange verse to pull out for a devotional, but as always I encourage you to read the passage in its full context.

Paul is referring to his associate missionary Titus, a gentile, converted to Christianity, who did not observe orthodox Jewish practices, a serious offense to some early church members. Paul was preaching a salvation based on faith rather than works and Jewish law. He sent nontraditional Titus to Corinth to correct some evil behaviors in the new church. This young congregation of believers was so eager to hear the Good News that they willing excepted Titus and his message. Paul is ecstatic that the Gospel is continuing and his brother in Christ was accepted without bigotry.

It is possible for every Christian to be bogged down in the petty things of life. Satan loves it when God’s Word is sifted through prejudices to the point that the message it carries never gets delivered. Live and love as Christ, let the Gospel shine through.


Monday, September 5, 2022

Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13 NIV

This verse is commonly used to memorialize civil servants and military that have paid the ultimate price for our freedom and peace, and rightly done. Except, this passage of scripture says nothing about the life given coming to an end. Jesus is emboldening His disciples to love one another, to make love their priority however long life will last.

To lay down our lives for others is to set ourselves aside and put others first, to love others so much that our own feelings, emotions, objectives become shadowed by a world that needs our grace. I’ve often used the slang phrase, “Cut me some slack.” In other words, “I need your grace, please look beyond my carnal instinct and behavior and forgive me.” I need the grace of my family, colleagues and friends daily. When they set aside their natural reaction to my mistakes or misspoken words and return kindness and camaraderie, they have set aside their life for the sake of mine. They put me first when I don’t deserve it but need it in great proportions. Kindness, goodness, perseverance, self-control…….these things are sacrifices that we can offer in our daily walk and the world really could use it.

Christ loves us so much that His comforts, His very life meant nothing in the battle for our eternal life. He put us first. We must lay down our lives for our friends and put them first daily.

Saturday, Saturday 3, 2022

Because of the LORD’S great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail.  Lamentations 3:22 NIV

Here is a verse packed with powerful words:
Not, meaning prohibition
Consumed, to destroy or expend by use; completely use up.
Compassions, a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another, a strong desire to alleviate the suffering.
Never, at no time.
Fail, fall short of success.

I don’t need to commentate on these powerful words, but I encourage you to put these absolutes into your heart and live them as your reality.

Here is a restatement of Lamentations 3:22 with and Gretchen partnering to remind you of how much love and assurance you have.

Because of the LORD’s great love, He will prohibit us from being destroyed or completely used up, for He has a strong desire to alleviate our suffering, He sympathizes with our sorrows and at no time will He fall short of success in this endeavor!

Friday, September 2, 2022

The LORD had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you,” Genesis 12:1 NIV

This verse marks the beginning of Abram’s story. God calls to Abram and he obeys. The end………..NOT!

Abram grew up in the city of Ur. It was a major port metropolis. Residents of Ur had financial security and a high standard of living. Abram’s father Terah took his entire household and began a trek toward Canaan but stopped in Harran. Terah did not honor God (Joshua 24:2) and he died before the journey ended. But God called Abram to leave the traditions and security of his family and the convenience of urban life and go into a wilderness that would be the equivalent to the pioneer’s Kansas prairie.

Why are these details important? Because God called Abram away from what was ordinary and comfortable to make him His own; so he could become extraordinary! Abram’s story ends with the complete change to the history of mankind so you may think this invalidates the relevance of your obedience on this scale. But the story isn’t about the history of the world, it’s about becoming God’s own.

May you feel God’s abundant love today,


Thursday, September 1, 2022

In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus Himself said: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35

These were Paul’s final words, his final goodbye to the converts in Ephesus.

Children fascinate me and sometimes they get a bad wrap concerning their ability to share. Yes they go through developmental stages that challenge even the most creative parents, but as a whole they smile and look for others to smile back. They are givers. I have never witnessed a small child hoarding anything. They take what they need and leave the rest, or they take what they need and attempt to engage others in their activity.

Paul is one of the most independent characters of the New Testament Church. He bows to no earthly person or ideal. He’s fiercely protective of clear and true theology and aggressive in correcting those who misinterpret his words or actions.

By this description, Paul is not a guy I would want to meet in a back alley on a dark night. Except the reality was, he was a sinner, saved by grace humbled by his lack of worth accept through the blood of Jesus Christ. He was bold, not entitled, he was hard working, not selfish and the earthly things he accumulated were for one purpose only…… spread the Gospel and help those that had no voice. His was a childlike faith that we are also called to. The blessing is in giving, not getting and clinging.

Have a most blessed day,
