Monday, September 19, 2022

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11

The infinity of God is a truth that boggles the mind. God always was and always will be. He does not exist in linear time, He created it, therefore, it is His to administer as He pleases, to bring glory to Himself.

So what does an all powerful God do with time? He makes everything beautiful.

From the moment you became a being you entered into eternity. Eternal life doesn’t happen when you give your heart to Jesus, your residence just changes and you begin to grow more beautiful with each passing day.



Saturday, September 17, 2022

My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father-Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. I John 2:1

It is God’s desire for us to live Holy lives. It is possible because it says, “So that you will not sin.” but, then we are human and our Creator knows that. In His perfect love, perfect timing and Oh! so perfect wisdom He gave us a perfect advocate. Someone to stick up for us, to plead our case, to say, “Don’t hold it against them, I’ll take the consequence.” WOW!!!!!

As our Savior Jesus already took the blame, and as our advocate He stands before God as our defense lawyer.  He never loses a case.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Friday, September 16, 2022

If I go up to the Heavens, You are there; if I make my bed in the depths, You are there. If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there Your hand will guide me, Your right hand will hold me fast. Psalm 139:8-10

I love traveling. The anticipation of seeing something for the first time is one of my favorite states of being, but I also love returning to places that hold treasured moments. I realize that sometimes I travel to find myself, and other times I travel to escape myself. Oh my what a mess!

But maybe not so much………………

No matter where we are, spiritually or physically God is there. Our minds constantly take us to the outer limits of our comprehension, much further than our physical bodies would ever dare to go, and so the Psalmist, who had the same mental, physical and spiritual content as you and I, put to words his realization that there is absolutely no where that God is not.

The presence of God is your choice, not a state of geography or zen. There are days when our spirits fly high and of course God is there, but when we crawl into our dark place, is He there too? Yes, He is your auto pilot when you are lost and can’t find your way or that firm grip on your hand when you are perilously close to the edge. All is well, He is there.


Thursday, September 15, 2022

As for you, go your way till the end. You will rest, and then at the end of the days you will rise to receive your allowed inheritance. Daniel 12:13

As a young child I had ‘Early onset leadership skills.’ In other words, I was bossy! Dad asked me often if I thought God took the day off and left me in charge. I can laugh now, but at that time I was intense.

So much of life is spent surviving…… earning money, engineering family life, keeping peace, staying healthy……… In the midst of all this purposeful action it is easy to think we actually have control over things other than the state of our heart in relation to who is God and who is not. This clarification is the mission of the prophet Daniel. The final words of his book tell that no matter what, our earthly end will come. The reality is hope. Our immortal life will just be a continuation of our mortal character.

God’s faithfulness is pure and constant and is not determined by our autonomy or theology. Our inheritance comes by way of our heart and God alone knows if He is our personal One True God.

Have a lovely day,


Wednesday, September 15, 2022

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth. Matthew 5:5 NIV

Meek is an adjective that has been totally flipped by the English language. It is a positive descriptive word but a self absorbed world that demands its own way has devalued meekness to the point that it brings shame. By human standards meekness denotes someone who is easily maneuvered against their will while never daring to protest, an easy target that no one ever dreams of becoming. Yet, Jesus states in His Sermon on the Mount, meekness as a very desirable characteristic in achieving favor on earth.

What’s the real deal with meekness then? Meekness begets kindness, practices forbearance, depends on faithfulness, exercises gentleness and self-control and reaps love and joy. Isn’t ‘Meek’ a beautiful ideal?

Meekness is not weakness, it is strength under perfect control.



Tuesday, September 13, 2022

In all Your ways submit to Him, and he will make you paths straight. Proverbs 3:6 NIV

When I am traveling and I ask my Google Maps to search for the nearest Walmart, it gives me directions that include time and distance through city streets and traffic but it also offers an ‘As the crow flies’ milage. I find myself envious of the crow. Oh to have a straight passage, uninterrupted with mundane clutter and disturbances, straight to the place that holds all things I need materially.

God in His great love offers us this “As the crow flies” way of life. He has already planned the route, He keeps it clear of what will hinder, tempt, distract or discourage us from the joy of our journey with Him and those He has given us along the way. His path is straight, safe, nurturing and nourishing, but the best part is that every step leads straight to the Throne of God.

Happy Trails,


Monday, September 12, 2022

I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that the gospel I preached is not of human origin. Galatians 1:11

These are the words of Paul to the churches in the Roman province of Galatia.

The early church had no written Gospel, they had the revelations of the Apostles, so they were dependent on word of mouth and letter writing. Many false prophets wanted a piece of the action in this new fad called Christianity. It took very little time for personal agendas and the chance of turning a ‘dollar’ to distract the eager and unsuspecting believer. Hey, it happens today too!

Paul was aggressive in testifying of his encounter with God, his perseverance for the Gospel and his passion that everyone hear and accept the Good News. His message follows and is still the most important thing anyone can hear and accept today:

1. The God of Israel is the true and living God, always has been, always will be.
2. He alone saves people from their sins and is worthy of worship.
3. Jesus, God’s Son is our Savior.
4. This Salvation is free to everyone who will receive it.

Have a Great Monday!!!



Saturday, September 10, 2022

If you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God. Proverbs 2:3-5

Nothing is more frustrating than knowing someone could help you but they choose not to. Please keep in mind, this is the character of man, not God.

God NEVER withholds Himself from us. When we ask for the things that draw us closer to God and bring glory to Him, He gives in great and overflowing abundance. We must pursue God’s character as fervently as some men pursue silver. Seek the face of God and strive to mirror It in our entire being.

Through the Looking Glass,


Friday, September 9, 2022

Be strong and let us fight bravely for our people and the cites of our God. The LORD will do what is good in His sight. 2 Samuel 10:12

Have you ever had your motives questioned? Had your kindness thrown back in your face?

This verse is lifted from an episode in the history of David as he is establishing the nation of Israel. A neighboring king, the king of the Ammonites died and David sent a delegation to express sympathy and show kindness. His envoy was not received in the manner in which it was sent and these men were treated to great humiliation. Hanun, the new king erred on the side of cynicism and momentary power, realized he just picked an unnecessary fight and prepared to defend. David responded in kingly fashion and gathered his army.

As the armies amassed on the battle field, David’s military commander Joab realized they were terribly outnumbered and gave this pep-talk: Be strong, fight bravely for the cities of our God, the LORD will do what is good.”

Joab spoke in this reverence because all the land was God’s not man’s. He also acknowledged that God is good, His will is good.

Standing on the cusp of battle surrounded and outnumbered by the enemy it is hard to comprehend that what we are fighting so furiously for is not even ours. It’s God’s and He’s got it. God is good so let Him worry about the small stuff and of course the big stuff too. Just do good.



Thursday, September 8, 2022

These are the regulations concerning contamination by mildew in woolen or linen clothing, woven or knitted material, or any leather article, for pronouncing them clean or unclean. Leviticus 13:59

When asked what her favorite book is, my youngest daughter replies, “Leviticus.” What!?….. No, Leviticus is not her favorite book, it’s the irony that she enjoys, even more so when someone gets her clever humor.

As for me, I approach this book of the Bible like the student who stated, “Only 5 out of 4 people ever use fractions when they grow up so why do I have to know math?” Why Leviticus in modern day Christianity? Here’s why, Leviticus is the spoken, God breathed Word. It reveals God as our Father and we as His beloved children, His covenant community. God is intensely concerned with the health and welfare of those that have chosen to be set apart through salvation and Holiness. (Lev. 11:45 and 19:18) This concern looks different for the historical children of Israel, but the basic fact remains, moment to moment God cares that your life marches forward with healthy, ethical and productive precision.

When you wake up knowing you have more to do than hours, energy and money allow, you find mold in your storage building and your anxiety further impedes your progress, ask God to give you wisdom and guidance. TaDa!! You find the gracious, generous and unchanging God of ancient law. This God who gave directions for dealing with mildew IS willing and able to help you with the minor (and major) details of life. He is the One True God and He loves YOU!

Feeling Invincible,
