Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1 (Hebrews 11-13)

These chapters are the Biblical Faith Hall of Fame, a pep rally of sorts for those who came before us, we the present and those who will follow. A great encouragement for the persecuted and unjustly accused to remain strong and persevere. The same God that was faithful to them, is still faithful today. We can rest our hope in this.

Rather than expound on a very simple concept, I am going to list the accomplishments of faith as listed in Halley’s Bible Handbook, pg 654. It is tremendous inspiration.

-Abel’s faith brought the first sacrifice for sin

-Enoch’s faith brought relationship with God.

-Noah’s faith saved his family

-Abraham’s faith led him into the unknown that became the City of God and a confidence in God’s omnipotent and sovereign love and power.

-Sarah’s faith turned the impossible into reality.

-Isaac’s faith foretold the future.

-Jacob’s faith rested in the hope of promises fulfilled.

-Joseph’s faith sustained him from king to pauper to king.

-Moses faith chose to suffer with Israel, forsaking his place in pharaoh’s palace and the deliverance of the Hebrew children across the Red Sea.

-Joshua’s faith brought down the wall of Jericho.

-Rahab’s faith brought her into the security of Israel

-Gideon’s faith made him a mighty warrior.

-Barak’s faith subdued kingdoms.

-Samson’s faith made his weakness become strength.

-Jepthah’s faith defeated armies.

-David’s faith obtained promises.

-Daniels’ faith closed the mouths of lions.

-Jeremiah’s faith was tortured but stood firm.

-Elijah and Elisha’s faith raised the dead.

Yes, you can put out the fires of hell on earth with a little squirt gun when its loaded with a tiny seed of faith.



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