Friday, July 29, 2022

I urge you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned. Keep away from them. For such people are not serving our Lord Christ, but their own appetites. By smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people.  Romans 16:17-18 (Romans 13-16)

Having given direct instructions on Christian conduct, Paul now turns to living peacefully in community with believers and nonbelievers. Not an easy task for a people set apart from the standards and motivations of this world. He instructs Christians to submit themselves to civil government because all earthly dominions are allowed by God.  This does not condone possible evil conduct, but places them in the cosmos of God’s created order. The Church is not tasked with building roads, amassing armies and erecting prisons, so we must gladly pay taxes so these benefits and more can be sustained. There will be times when Christian integrity will conflict with government. Many believers around the world worship and protect the marginalized in secret, knowing they could suffer severe consequences if found out, but they are willing and we must all consider there may come a time for a similar choice (Acts 5:29). God promises that Satan and all wickedness will one day be crushed. Be careful who you hitch your wagon to.

The diverse Roman congregation was faced with issues that offended the Jews but not the Gentiles and it was serious to communal peace.  Meat sold in the markets was most likely sacrificed to pagan gods. This was a huge offense of the Jews, but the Gentiles ate without a thought. Paul directs them to be considerate of each other, absenting judgement toward one another in anything. This carried into all aspects of life. We are given great freedom as Christians, but it is a BIG responsibility. Our privileges must never oppress or antagonize anyone. Paul iterates that one’s personal rights should never compromise healthy, functional relationships with our neighbors.

Paul closes his letter with greetings and commendations to friends and shares his plan to visit after he delivers the offering from Macedonia to those hurting in Jerusalem. In teaching the nature of Christ, he taught the value of Christian love and friendship. It is not our place to create distress and disfunction.  All sins committed are against God and He’s got everything under control and in His time…. so, we are fully free to love.

Have a Great Weekend Eve,


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