Monday, July 25, 2022

Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity. II  Corinthians 8:2 (II Corinthians 8-13)

The Church in Jerusalem, the place where it all started and so many came to believe, was struggling financially. In the years that followed Pentecost, many Jewish converts were cut from their families and often lost their jobs. These believers were suffering in poverty for their faith. Paul encouraged the Gentile churches in Galatia, Macedonia and Corinth to send assistance. They did! And they left us a very detailed instruction on how we should respond to the needs of the church and those around us.

These self supporting churches soon took on benevolent causes, and sponsored missionaries. The offerings were voluntary, proportionate, systematic and above reproach in their administration. Paul commends them for their kindness and sacrificial offerings, even among the very poorest of people.

In giving, the early Christians learned the blessing of honoring the parent church in Jerusalem. Christian giving is a loving response to the example given to us in the total sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  Jesus left all the riches of Heaven to become poor and make a way for us to walk the streets of gold without ever counting the cost.

Happy Monday,


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