Wednesday, July 20, 2022

No Temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. I Corinthians 10:13 (I Corinthians 5-10)

It was not easy being a Christian in a city like Corinth. With Athens nearby, these residents considered themselves quite progressive and intellectual. By habit of culture they were argumentative and judgmental toward the world and each other. They had to be reminded their cleverness would always be a far cry from God’s wisdom. True knowledge was found in humbleness to the Spirit of God, which, no matter our socio-economic station, we are all slaves to.

A pitfall of the Corinthian church, as is for many others throughout the ages, was the urge to retain the immoral behaviors they practiced before repenting of their sins. In the shadow of the Temple of Venus, with public prostitutes (paid for by taxes) sexual exploitation was common and socially accepted as a right of citizenship. This congregation became proud of their freedom in Christ, which is a reality, but was sorely abused and wrongfully applied. Paul demands those who continue in depravity be delivered to Satan and excommunicated.

To the other extreme, there were those that inferred the intimacies of marriage were unacceptable for those who believed. Not so. Paul also addresses the issue of diet and payment for ministry. Finally, he admonishes all Christians to take their purity seriously. He goes back to Israel’s history to remind them of many who did not finish the journey toward the Promised Land and guides them to the evidence of God’s protection and provision for the diligent and sincere. For every trial, there is a way through. Choose to put your face toward the Throne of God and one step at a time, you will make it.



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