Saturday, June 19, 2022

As He approached Jerusalem and saw the city, He wept over it and said, “If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace-but now it is hidden from your eyes.” Luke 19:41-42 ( Matthew 21:1-17, Mark 11:1-11, Luke 19:41-44, John 12:12-36)

There is no feast in all of Jewish history with more importance than Passover. It is the commemoration of the Exodus from Egypt, the final plague when every Jewish household covered their door with the blood of a pascal lamb and the angel of death spared their home by ‘passing by,’ because they were covered by the blood. What an appropriate time for Jesus to make His way to Jerusalem one last time. He knew His day was approaching, the culmination of His work on earth, but it was a season of dread and sorrow.

To fulfill Zechariah’s prophecy in 9:9, Jesus sent His disciples to get a young donkey, an unbroken colt. He would enter the City of David in peace, not as a warrior on a valiant steed. The cheering crowds gathered and laid their clothing and palm branches along the route to cut down on the dust. They, along with Jesus’ disciples praised Him to a deafening roar that made the Pharisees complain. Jesus responded that quiet lips would only make the rocks cry out. These people believed Jesus was finally going to build His Kingdom and free them from oppression for all time. It was their day and they were thrilled. In a few short hours their ideas of a victorious kingdom would conflict painfully with God’s plan and things would get ugly in a hurry.

When Jesus came out of the grove of olives, He saw the vista, the panorama of Jerusalem and wept. His heart ached for the hope of what could have been. It wasn’t one hour, one choice, to give His life for ours, it was days and days and days. Still, He spoke and acted in love, preparing those whose faith would be bent to breaking, knowing many of the voices singing praises on this day would turn to brutal hatred, spitting and cursing. It didn’t matter……IT DIDN’T MATTER!  His hope for what could have been became our hope of what can be! Salvation and freedom from sin!

Happy Weekend,


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