Thursday, March 31, 2022

Then they will follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. They will be My people, and I will be their God. Ezekiel 11:20 (Ezekiel 8-11) 

Ezekiel is transported to Jerusalem via a rapture. As he walks the streets of Judah’s magnificent city and into the Temple built by Solomon, for the exclusive glory of God, he sees a state transgression that is worse than any of the surrounding pagan peoples. God commands that all the faithful be marked for they will be spared judgement. He is preparing to remove His presence from this once, Holy place. When done, all hope is gone and Ezekiel is transported back to his home where he gives a report to the elders. 

The Temple is now an empty shell. The heart and soul of the City of David has departed, there is no turning back.

In my studies I read, I must understand the prophecies and meaning of Ezekiel if I am to understand John’s revelation.  More obvious than ever, I see that hell is simply the absence of God. When death comes, free choice is a foregone option. God will not coexist with sin, so the sinner will be abandoned to a place that God is not and He will not enter that place to rescue you when you discover how awful it is going to be for all eternity. Please understand this! There is no hope, nor will there ever be, in this singular place in the universe God refuses to be.

The Temple is now just another pile of rocks because God is not there. Don’t be that place and do not sentence yourself to hell for all eternity. Fill yourself with Holiness, be the dwelling place of the King of Kings.

Passionately Pleading!


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