Tuesday, March 22, 2022

“Sing to the LORD! Give praise to the LORD! He rescues the life of the needy from the hands of the wicked.” Jeremiah 20:13

God sends Jeremiah to the potter’s house where Jeremiah witnesses the power of the craftman/creator to change the outcome of a marred vessel. Jeremiah is sent with this illustration and the message that God has the ability to alter the destiny of Judah. Following this, Jeremiah takes a valuable, beautiful vase and shatters it before the leaders of Jerusalem. In this act, he announces Jerusalem’s ruin.

There is a continual counter campaign among the false prophets and again, Jeremiah’s wellbeing is threatened. In fact, he is put in stocks, a wooden frame that holds the body in a distorted, painful pose. Jeremiah is fed up with his pitiful life and God’s incomplete purpose. He lashes out in anger as he is publicly ridiculed and scorned. THEN! His sorrow becomes joy as he realizes his Hope is in the LORD alone. His pity party becomes a cathedral of praise.

God’s relationship to man should be like that of the clay in the potter’s hands. His will, the pressure or gentle nudge of His palm, determines what we become, even when it is nothing like we imagined. In God alone we are perfected for His divine purpose, so spin without abandon, in the Master’s hand.



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