Monday, February 28, 2022

He who walks righteously, and speaks what is right, who rejects gains from extortion and keeps his hand from accepting bribes, who stops his ears against plots of murder and shuts his eyes against contemplating evil, this is the man who will dwell on the heights, whose refuge will be the mountain fortress. His bread will be supplied, and water will not fail him. Isaiah 33:15-16 (Isaiah 32-33)

God has spared Jerusalem from destruction at the hands of the Assyrian army, elevating Hezekiah’s prestige as leader, but there must have been a group of ungodly, yet influential women in his court. They stand against all that Isaiah preaches. One of his messages, through the terrifying siege of the city, was to assure its faithful residents that God would punish their enemies. Isaiah returns also to his foretelling of a coming King, whose radiance will reveal each man in their true character and call them by their right names. In other words, He will point fingers and name names and no one will be exempt.

In reference to all the doom and gloom judgement against those who reject Isaiah’s message and the God it represents, it is easy to forget Isaiah’s mission.  He was called to change people’s hearts. Obviously, some chose the sovereignty of God’s authority, both politically and personally, and the course of their life’s destiny was reversed. Others chose the fleeting comforts of luxury.   

Patient continuance in one’s daily walk is the deepest expression of Trust in God. Persevere faithfully in love toward those who reject God. 100% acceptance of the Gospel is every Christian’s ideal, but success rates much lower must not discourage and stop the determination of the few. It’s called ‘Hope’ for a reason. Hope of eternal life for those who believe, and Hope of salvation for those who do not……yet.

Happy Monday,


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