Friday, January 28, 2022

Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control. Proverbs 25:28 (Proverbs 25-29)

Wisdom is the application of insight into how to live well. 200 years after Solomon penned his words to live by, King Hezekiah led a renewed interest in God’s Word and had these proverbs copied to preserve them.

When this king inherited the throne of Judah the Jewish nation was threatened with extinction by the Assyrian Empire. His father had led the nation in abandoning God. The odds were stacked against Judah, and Hezekiah knew the only hope for this doomed people was a return to correct honor, obedience and worship. Through this young king’s devotion, God produced miracles that saved his generation from annihilation.

How did this leader lead? With God’s word, and faithful action! Hezekiah knew that obedience to him would not rescue and restore his kingdom. His subjects need to subject themselves to God. When the walls are broken down, only diligence, self-control and self discipline can rebuild them.

Happy Friday,


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