Thursday, January 20, 2022

Since the day I brought My people Israel out of Egypt, I have not chosen a city in any tribe of Israel to have a temple built for My Name to be there, but I have chosen David to rule My people Israel.” I Kings 8:16 (I Kings 8)

The splendor of Solomon’s Jerusalem had to be seen to be believed. As a matter of fact, people of station and wealth did travel from miles away, just to satisfy their curiosity about this wise and prosperous ruler.  Jerusalem became the center of the world!  Still today, the three largest religions on earth, Christianity, Judaism and Islam, call Jerusalem their birthplace. A closer look at the history of this ‘City on a Hill’ reveals that God calls people, not places. David, the warrior king, chose Jerusalem for its strategic, military benefit, not a divine religious purpose. David dreamed of a Temple. Solomon saw that the Ark of the Covenant had a secure place to rest and God was honored with a permanent dwelling place.

God’s presence filled His Temple. He was pleased, but it wasn’t the location, gold or even the prestige that kept Him in residence. God remained because man daily chose to grow and maintain a relationship of faith and obedience with Him, their Creator, Protector and Provider.

Do you ever question your time and place in history, or imagine that a change of geography would make a tremendous difference in your ability to serve God?  It is the nature of man’s imagination to question the validity of one’s existence, but never let it be an excuse to minimize God’s purpose and love!  God’s residence IS about location, location, location, and your soul is His prime real-estate!  In return, we receive His vision, and OH MY, WHAT A VIEW!

Have a Great Day,


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