Friday, October 29, 2021

“And you shall write very clearly all the words of this law on these stones you have set up.” Deuteronomy 27:8  (Chapters 24-27)

In an age when books were scarce, Joshua was commissioned to erect stones, apply a coating of plaster and write the Law on them so the people could see, read if they were able, remember, obey and teach the next generation.  This was a common custom across the cultures of the ancient world. Moses commanded that this be the first act upon arrival in Canaan.

These stones would be part of renewing the covenant of which curses and blessings were a part. A ceremony would take place. Six tribes each would climb opposite mountains. The Levites would pronounce the blessings and curses of infringement and the people would add their ‘Amen,’ or their ‘So be it.’ 

Can you imagine the enormity of this nation gathering on the mountain sides, and the resounding thunder of their ‘Amens’?  It would leave a lasting impression, just as God intended. Covenant keeping is serious business and the law was not to be passively approached.

God, in His Law giving and Love lavishing, was specific and purposeful. He left no loopholes. Don’t look for them, they aren’t there. Trust, obey, love and praise and God will take care of the rest.

Happy Friday,


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