Monday, June 21, 2021

They kept the matter to themselves, discussing what “rising from the dead” meant. Mark 9:10

The disciples were returning from the Transfiguration, the testimony that Jesus is the Messiah, the Devine Son of God, but while there they heard “rising from the dead,” and didn’t comprehend its place in their daily walk with Jesus. Actually, they didn’t want to. Knowledge of death and the afterlife was very primitive, so it was frightening. The Jews thought that the Messiah would be a ‘real time, living color’ political power that would create a world dynasty for them once and for all. These few men had to completely relearn and establish a faith that will see them through the darkest, incomprehensible days imaginable. 

In the days and weeks to come, Jesus begins to lovingly prepare and strengthen His disciples as they would become the foundation upon which the Church, the Body of Christ, would bring the Good News of salvation to the world. 

Fear is dangerous. Out of anxiety we avoid the uncomfortable and unknown, cheating ourselves of strengthening knowledge and healthy coping processes. Jesus leads His followers into awareness, strategies and victory. He’s just that kind of Savior.

Don’t let questions halt your triumph. When you seek wisdom, God is gracious and generous.  You will find what you are looking for.



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