Tuesday, May 25, 2021

He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name. Great is our Lord and mighty in power; His understanding has no limit. Psalm 147:4-5

When life is too hard to handle, I go to the Psalms. They are my comfort soul food.

Comfort No. 1: Looking through primitive telescopes decades ago, scientists thought they saw new, never before seen stars. Today, star gazers, with new and improved tools, recognize that they were not seeing single stars but galaxies with billions upon billions of stars. Who knew?  God did. He made them perfectly and purposely. 

Comfort No. 2:  While man is still making new breakthroughs in everything from the workings of the human brain to finding new elements and ways to recycle old ones, God is already there.  He is not a teasing, taunting God that withholds insight, but allows us the marvel of discovery and in seeking, we find greater wonder in God. His knowledge has no limit. 

Comfort No. 3:  God is not human. God is God, man is man and there is no comparison. God and man cannot be brought together except through confession, complete humility and total, exhaustive faith. God will not speak, think or act like mortal man. Man constantly fights their egocentric instinct, God ALWAYS acts in your best, loving interest.

Comfort No. 4: You can never consume too many spiritual calories, so indulge!



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