Saturday, April 17, 2021

Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,’ says the LORD, who has compassion on you. Isaiah 54:10

We are very quick to attribute all that’s wrong in the world to God’s great plan…..destiny, fate, simply God’s will……but God is the God of peace and order. He is Good, He is Kind and He is eternal. The geological earth does shake, hills do fade away, and sometimes it is your emotional world that has eroded. Still, God is NOT rattled!  He is not intimidated by the chaos in your life.  He alone can remove each tangled strand and reweave the threads into a strong and beautiful tapestry. He alone……

Jerusalem’s confidence that God would protect them at all costs, no matter what they did morally, was shattered when the temple was destroyed and many Jews were taken into exile. This state of affairs was the consequence of blatant disobedience, man demanding his will over God’s. Things were a mess, hopeless. And then God speaks through His prophet Isaiah sending a message of hope and promise, “I AM NOT SHAKEN, I AM COMPASSIONATE!”

God loves. It is what He does.  He takes no joy in the pain that sin causes, but when man demands his freewill, God allows him his own way, thus, bringing down calamity on himself. The antidote for this is an unfailing love and compassion that shines great light on the road to peace.

You have a choice: Quake in the aftermath of sin or stand firm with an immovable power.

Have a Beautiful Weekend,


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