Saturday, April 10, 2021

Sing to the LORD a new song, for He has done marvelous things; His right hand and His Holy arm have worked salvation for Him. Psalm 98:1

Two things about this Psalm: I do not like change and most of what I learned as a child I learned from songs. 

If I can quote scripture from memory, it’s because I learned it with a tune. I love those old songs and think everyone else should too. When some young whipper-snapper comes along and messes with the cadence of my familiar syllables I don’t like it!!! UNTIL……..I take a short walk through the youth department, or drive a bus full of students on a trip, or over hear some children singing on the playground and their voices are bellowing out praise! It is their song, in their moment, and it is embedding the character and word of God on their hearts. These new songs are the most beautiful sounds on earth! And I should at least hum along.

We are diverse.  God saved me from my sins and He saved you from yours, but our journeys were different. So also will be our gratitude, testimony and praise.You sing your song, I’ll sing mine and together we’ll make a symphony of praise!



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