Thursday, March 25, 2021

When I came to you, brothers, I did not come with eloquence or superior wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God. For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. I Corinthians 2:1-2

Corinth was in the vicinity of Athens. The people of this ‘Modern’ metropolis considered themselves to be thinkers and philosophers rivaling those of Greece.  Paul himself was a scholar, a pharisee, an educated Jewish man. This new testament church was not lacking in cognitive ability. How can this be a bad thing? Well, there was no consistent place to meet in large groups corporately, so people divided into small groups and met in homes under various leaders. Theology was discussed and debated and suddenly the small stuff was bigger than the only thing that really mattered, a Risen Savior.

Humility, an important commodity in short supply, goes the distance when giving witness to the things Christ has done. Knowledge is a tremendous asset but it is only the beginning of wisdom. Paul’s intellect did not lead him to the mission field of gentiles, his ‘up close and personal’ encounter with God did. 

The only thing that really matters is this: Jesus is the Son of God and by His own choice, made Himself a sacrifice, to die for the sins of all mankind.  He rose from the dead, securing victory over sin and death and assuring eternal life for all who believe. 

Salvation does not come with title, I.Q. or charisma, but faith alone. And that IS all that matters!



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