Monday, December 21, 2020

He shall cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you shall take refuge; His faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. Psalm 91:4

The beauty of the Psalms is that they have God at their center, not man. Psalm 91 is a hymn of trust. God jealously guards and protects His people.

My daughter loves chickens, and from her flock I learned that when danger approaches, chicks run to the hen, even those that are not hers, she fluffs her feathers and causally sits down as if nothing is bothering her, completely hiding the helpless beneath her wings. The chicks are as secure as if they never existed. To the predator they are invisible. God’s protection is like this!

Dwelling in the Psalms is a most comforting respite. Thousands of years ago, there were people that thought my same discouraged thoughts, felt bitter agony, feared the world they existed in, longed to see into the future, had only hope to cling to and in the midst of their struggles they found a Faithful Father. That Wonderful, LORD is still the same for each of us today.



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