Friday, November 20, 2020

Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the Gospel. Ephesians 6:19  

The ancient city of Ephesus might remind us of today’s Hollywood or Vegas.  It was a city that celebrated the worldly and dysfunctional with an extra dose of occult.  Yet, Paul had a great love and passion for this Roman capital of Asia. With this in mind, Paul, a prisoner in Rome awaiting execution, realized that he was at war as the defender of the Gospel and a conquerer for those who would believe. He wrote of God’s incomparable power and authority, far exceeding man’s dominion.

The aforementioned issues were a tremendous distraction to the early church, not just the everyday secular citizen, therefore, the supremacy of Christ was a very important fundamental and foundational theology for the new believer. If this conviction of faith is lost there is no hope of strength and continued growth and spiritual death will result. 

A simple truth: We, like Paul are underprepared for the battle we must fight daily if we are not prayed up. Asking his Christian friends for prayer united them to a like mission. To be fearless means to be faithful! Faith’s connection to action is prayer.  We can’t survive without it….so, you pray for me, I’ll pray for you and when we all get to Heaven, along with those who found their way because we spoke our faith, we can share war stories with Paul and friends. 

Heaven Bound!


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