Monday, November 9, 2020

Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb. Revelation 22:1

Revelation, Biblically speaking, has given me greater pause than any other scripture. I associate it with death. The magnitude and depth of its content are intimidating, but John got to look into Heaven, then tell everyone, and it was beyond amazing. It was beautiful and that is often lost, because no one is searching TripAdvisor or MapQuest for the path of least resistance to get there quick.

If you read 21:1-22:6 you will see the New Order, not a new world order, but an eternal order. All things are made new. Like so many things of Heaven, we cannot fathom something that is completely NEW! All we have on earth is what we started with. We understand reuse, recycle, restore, not NEW! But Heaven is nothing of earth. God will dwell among men in a place He has designed from His unprecedented creativity and power.

John saw a river, flowing from the Throne of God, watering a Tree of Life. This tree holds the power to heal every ill ever imagined.  On earth, water is necessary to sustain life, in Heaven it is life.  Here is something new for me: Heaven holds life, not death.

Living, not dying,


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