Wednesday, October 21, 2020

If you remain in Me and My words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. John 15:7

The important part of this verse is NOT ‘ask whatever you wish’ but ‘remain in Me.’

In the Old Testament, Israel is referred to as the vine, brought out of Egypt. Jesus is the True Vine, fulfilling God’s purpose. These words, spoken by Jesus to His closet friends on the night of His arrest, are part of a much bigger picture. He draws a parallel between spiritual victory and a productive vineyard, something these men understand. The vines that produce no fruit are cut off, soon to wither and die. The only hope for continued life and growth is to be connected in a healthy way to the branch being tended by the gardener. Fruit production is key! This bounty is defined in Galatians 5. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

There are many things in this world I have asked for, and much more yet to be voiced, but at the heart of all my wants and needs is this fruit. What is the bottom dollar for self-control? How much education will grant me gentleness. Will great friends miraculously make me good and give me peace? NO, ONLY Jesus will. All that I need is found in Him and I must abide/remain or all is lost.

This fall, as you light a fire and roast a marshmallow, remember no one cut down the good and useful tree or pruned the perfect vine. You are heated by the warmth of something that was dead to begin with and is now being completely erased from what it was created to be. Don’t be that. Connect to Jesus and be all you can be.



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