Saturday, September 19, 2020

“In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” Luke 15:10

Tax collectors and sinners had gathered around Jesus, but the Pharisees, the educated religious authority, was muttering about Jesus’ uncouth behavior and the ill company he kept. Jesus begins by telling a parable that shows the worth placed on each individual soul, followed by a story showing the diligence of the One seeking the lost. This verse is the concluding statement of the parable of the lost coin, verses 8-10.

God is personal. In contrast, the ruling establishments, both Roman and Jewish, see people as collective entities. Citizens are a number with a tax value. The Jewish rulers, filled with prejudice and legalism, see people only as an asset to their personal gain with social climbing and networking prioritizing their relationships.

Heaven rejoices when the lost are found! There is no sorting of, or standard set for those sought. They are lost and God is seeking them. They are valuable and precious, He is inexhaustible and long suffering. Sin is personal in its destruction, but the God that created you and loves you most sees every facet of your desperate wondering and He alone will find you, and then He will throw a party!

Hanging Streamers,


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