Saturday, July 25, 2020

All the believers were together and had everything in common. Acts 2:44

Acts is Salvation History!  The story of the birth of Christianity, told by Luke, quoting the first sermons, and chronicling the ‘Acts’ of the Apostles.  What’s the bottom line?  They got it right, Heaven’s space is filled with people that heard the word and turned from their wicked ways to embrace grace and cling to the promise of a Savior that would not abandon His children to their graves!!   

The empowered speech from which this excerpt is lifted is spoken by Peter. Just minutes before, the disciples, few in number, both men and women, were waiting. They knew something was about to happen, Peter was beginning to connect the dots. Their only hope was to pray, anticipate, and remain together in one heart and mind.  If they did not, all was a futile, disappointing waist of hope. 

This early church had to stick together.  The consequence of separating was life or death.  We may be slightly more confident today, but it is a delusion.  If Christian homes don’t have everything in common, disastrous things are lurking.  If lay persons don’t stand for a common objective, little gets accomplished and evangelism is put aside for pettiness.  All points of ministry must come together as separate parts with one goal, SALVATION!

Does satan wish to divide and conquer?  YES!  If he accomplishes this on any level, he has won.  So put all of yourself aside and fill the empty space with the Holy Spirit. You’ll have much common ground with a great community of believers.



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